Reality Steve


  • Podcasts

    Podcast #135 – Interview with Christen Whitney


    A fun podcast for you this week as Christen Whitney joins us. We run down her reality TV resume as she’s been on 4 shows in the last 3 years. We cover all of them but, of course, definitely spend some time on “Scallops,” how it came to be, how she had no idea what was being done behind her back, and if the name bothers her. I had never had any contact with Christen until this past weekend, which is a story in and of itself and we talk about that as well. Before the interview begins, I do talk the spoilers that were released this week, and at the end of the podcast with her, we talk spoilers as well. So you’ve been … Continue reading

  • Bach in Paradise Spoilers

    Podcast #134 – Interview with Melissa Schreiber & (SPOILER) Your Original “Bachelor in Paradise” Cast


    Takin’ it back old school again with today’s podcast guest, and it’s a very revealing one as Melissa Schreiber from the “Bachelor” season 15 (Brad Womack 2.0) and “Bachelor Pad” season 2 joins us for a talk. And this talk isn’t so much about her career on the show, because that’s not what defines her. It’s more about her story and everything that she’s been open about since her time on the show. Melissa is gay. But she didn’t come out publicly until two years after her appearance on “Bachelor Pad” season 2. We talk about how that came to be, the decison behind it, when she knew, her relationships with women, and so much more. In addition, Melissa talks about her daily struggle with … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #133 – Interview with Amanda Stanton


    Been a couple years since I last had her on, but lets just say a hell of a lot has happened in Amanda Stanton’s life since then. A relationship has come and gone, she was the victim of a hacking/blackmail incident, she’s started a clothing line, she’s written a book, etc. A lot to cover today. Not easy for Amanda to talk about this stuff but I wanted to bring her on because it’s been so long, and I know a lot of people have questions regarding the things that have gone down her life. As she says in the podcast, she likes to share. Almost too much. She’s an open book and she addresses all these issues head on. The Vegas incident she explains … Continue reading

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