Reality Steve


  • Bachelor in Paradise 5

    Episode 5 of the “He Said, She Said” Podcast with Ashley Spivey

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Well, I had my first successful weekend away from Luka this past weekend. Somewhat. The good thing is the doggy resort said she was great for her first time, and in the times I checked in on her on their doggy cams, she certainly looked like she was having fun. She made a whole bunch of new friends and there was another beagle there that looked exactly like her, which kept getting me confused. With that said, she was at the resort from Wed thru Sat, then my sister picked her up and she stayed at my house with her and my niece on Saturday, then my brother-in-law stayed with her Sunday night before I came back yesterday. What’s weird is I told you every … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #94 – Interview with Taylor Nolan


    One of my favorite podcasts I’ve done to date is today’s with Taylor Nolan. I don’t really know what I was expecting going in because I try not to set any expectations before I interview people. I make my judgement after the fact. And to me, Taylor passed with flying colors. I appreciate her being so open and honest about her most recent public break up, how difficult it was, some of the reasoning behind it, how tough it was deal with in the public eye, and some of her abusive relationships in the past. It’s never easy to talk about stuff like this, but if you’ve heard Taylor’s podcast, you know she’s very descriptive and she’s certainly well spoken and this kinda comes naturally … Continue reading

  • Dr. Reality Steve

    Podcast #93 – Interview with Kat Hurd, Next “Bachelor,” & Dr. Reality Steve


    Another blast from the past this week as we dip back into Juan Pablo’s season for a great conversation with Kat Hurd. Kat’s someone I always knew I wanted to get on the podcast at some point and figured now would be a good time to do it. A lot of good stories she tells from her season including being courted by the show to come on (with a phone call and flowers from Fleiss himself), to her spats with Nikki, to her bizarre 1-on-1 with Juan Pablo. A lot of good stuff in there. And as I mentioned on Tuesday, I really appreciate Kat opening up about the struggles she had with bulimia over the years. A really important topic that I’m sure wasn’t … Continue reading

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