Reality Steve


  • Podcasts

    Podcast #90 – Interview with Sean Lowe

    Photo Credit: @SeanLowe09

    Been looking forward to forward to talking to Sean Lowe for a while now, and this almost 2 hour conversation definitely didn’t disappoint. A lot to cover (and certainly some stuff we never got to) in this podcast, that I basically broke down into 4 parts: the Vouch dating app that started this week, his time on Emily’s season of the “Bachelorette,” his season of the “Bachelor,” and his post-“Bachelor” TV life & fatherhood. Sean has been doing media for 5 years now, including having written a book, so if you’ve followed him extensively, you may have already heard some of these stories, but I really hadn’t, so it was good to get some clarification on things that have happened to him on his journey … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #89 – Interview with Samantha Steffen


    Back to the “Bachelor” world as I’m pretty sure the whole month of August the podcasts will be with contestants from Bachelor Nation, assuming everyone follows through with what they said. Today’s guest had an interesting run during her time on the show, and that’s Samantha Steffen. She’s the first girl I had on from Chris Soules’ season which I didn’t even realize until I started researching for the interview. Most people probably don’t even remember her from Chris’ season, since she definitely more known for her time on BIP 2 and her relationship with Joe Bailey. We get into that and a whole lot more in this podcast. I had Joe on probably over a year ago, so it was tough to remember what … Continue reading

  • Dr. Reality Steve

    Podcast #88 – Interview with Holly Allen, the Ex-Girlfriend of Luke Pell, & “Dr. Reality Steve” Emails


    It’s interesting on how things can change over time. Never thought today’s podcast guest would ever be on the show if you were to rewind about 15 months, but here we are. And the ball kinda got rolling when I received the email a couple weeks ago that I’ve posted below. Holly Allen is the recent ex-girlfriend of Luke Pell, after they made their breakup announcement about a month ago after a little over a year of dating. Although, “dating” to Luke Pell he takes awfully loosely when it comes to him wanting to advance his career. Holly has a lot to tell and share, and we even talk about how she wasn’t a big fan of mine back when I wrote the Continue reading

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