Reality Steve


  • Podcasts

    Podcast #55 – Interview with Johnny Bananas


    Podcast #55. One year anniversary of the Reality Steve Podcast. It’s Johnny Bananas. That’s about all you need to know. 75 minutes of pure, unadulterated, no BS from the greatest competitor in Challenge history. Although some of you who dislike him, and we know there are plenty, will argue that. We hit on that right off the bat. I love the fact that I can ask a question to him and get a 10 minute answer, like he did when I asked him about what went down with Sarah on “Rivals 3.” Even if you don’t like him, if you actually listen to what he says and the points he makes, he’s a really thoughtful guy and cares tremendously about this show. You can hear … Continue reading

  • Bachelor Arie Spoilers

    Podcast #54 – (SPOILER) Your Final Four Breakdown & They’re Trying to Silence Me


    Last year when I started this podcast on December 5th, the first few I did were all just me talking. Didn’t really know the direction the podcast was going in. Once I started doing interviews, as you know, that’s been what it’s become. Taking it back “old school” today by having no guests and it’s just me talking. I will tell you the Final Four Breakdown in today’s podcast, but first wanted to explain to everyone what is going on and why I’ve pretty much been radio silent for the past week. Does it suck? Sure. This is no fun for me. But when the big bad wolf comes around and starts bullying me again and infringing on my freedom of speech, I have to … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #53 – Interview with Cara Maria Sorbello of MTV’s “The Challenge”


    For only the 4th or 5th time in almost one year of doing these podcasts have I ventured out of “Bachelor Nation” and interviewed somebody from another show. But “Challenge” fans, get your popcorn ready because Cara Maria Sorbello destroys in this interview. We cover everything that went down on “Dirty 30,” including her immense dislike for Jordan, what the hell was that Kailah conversation about from the reunion show, and something the average fan may not know about, why did Cara Maria not know until this past Tuesday night what the results were for “Dirty 30?” Can’t believe the show actually did this because 1) they’ve never done a finale that way in all the seasons of the “Challenge” and 2) just seems kinda … Continue reading

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