Reality Steve


Podcast #90 – Interview with Sean Lowe

Photo Credit: @SeanLowe09

Been looking forward to forward to talking to Sean Lowe for a while now, and this almost 2 hour conversation definitely didn’t disappoint. A lot to cover (and certainly some stuff we never got to) in this podcast, that I basically broke down into 4 parts: the Vouch dating app that started this week, his time on Emily’s season of the “Bachelorette,” his season of the “Bachelor,” and his post-“Bachelor” TV life & fatherhood. Sean has been doing media for 5 years now, including having written a book, so if you’ve followed him extensively, you may have already heard some of these stories, but I really hadn’t, so it was good to get some clarification on things that have happened to him on his journey throughout this franchise. Especially liked the story he told about how my name came up by production during his filming of Emily’s season while they were in Curacao. As always, if you’d like to respond to the interview, please include Sean’s Twitter handle (@SeanLowe09) in your replies so he can see them. I think you’re gonna like this one. I appreciate Sean giving me this much time and being so candid about his time on the show and post-Bachelor life. Hope you enjoy it as well.

You can listen to today’s podcast on a number of platforms, but you can also tune in by clicking the player below:

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Music written by Jimmer Podrasky
(B’Jingo Songs/Machia Music/Bug Music BMI)

(SPOILERS) Sean joins me to talk about Vouch, the new dating app venture he’s gotten involved in (6:37), the reason he initially agreed to go on the show (16:29), did he think Emily was picking him when it was down to final 3 (22:25), if she did, does he think they would’ve lasted (26:27), how soon after the breakup was the Bachelor brought up to him (30:15), did he have any pre-show demands before signing on (34:40), being labeled the Virgin Bachelor by the media (42:10), Catherine getting a bizarre edit and being “hidden” (45:40), thoughts on Tierra (49:40), being pranked by Des and dealing with her brother (54:14), being confronted by AshLee Frazier at the WTA (58:17), his private talk with Catherine the night before the final rose ceremony (1:01:34), his post-show TV career starting with DWTS (1:11:23), the decisions to do Celebrity Wife Swap and Celebrity Marriage Boot Camp (1:19:12), co-hosting “After Paradise” for a season (1:30:51), fatherhood & work life now (1:34:51), and we end with the Final 10 (1:38:50).

Twitter – @SeanLowe09
Instagram – seanloweksu
Website: Home by Sean & Catherine Lowe

Send all links and emails to: To follow me on Twitter, it’s: Instagram name is “RealitySteve,” or join my Reality Steve Facebook Fan Page. Talk to you next week.



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