Reality Steve


  • Podcasts

    Podcast #65 – Interview with Jenn Sterger & (EXCLUSIVE) “Women Tell All” Spoilers


    I know I said it yesterday, but I don’t think I can stress it enough. I do think this is the most important podcast I’ve done to date. Jenn Sterger is an actress/host/animal activist/stand up comedian, who recently was in the news for a piece written by the Boston Globe on sexual harassment happening at ESPN. We get into that during the second half of the podcast, and I’ve included the link to the story below for your reference. However, the main thing you might know Jenn for, was the incident back in 2010 regarding Brett Favre when released pictures, videos, and voicemails of Brett reaching out to Jenn two years earlier when both were in the NY Jets organization. It’s still a crazy … Continue reading

  • Dr. Reality Steve

    Podcast #64 – Interview with “Bachelor” Season 7 Winner Sarah Brice & “Dr. Reality Steve” Emails


    You know, the “Bachelor” was around in the early 2000’s. Oh yeah. It happened. Granted, season 7 of the “Bachelor” seems to be wiped off all records since I can’t find any video clips of it online anymore. There are very few clips from that season still online. But Sarah Brice and Charlie O’Connell had quite an interesting ride as a “Bachelor” couple after season 7 which aired back in 2005. One of the major clips I found I included below, and that was an interview they did on 20/20 which she said ultimately led to their final breakup. Interesting to listen to her in the podcast then go and find that interview and watch it. Yeah, Charlie wasn’t all in. You can almost sense … Continue reading

  • Dr. Reality Steve

    Podcast #63 – Interview with “Married at First Sight’s” Jason & Cortney Carrion & “Dr. Reality Steve” Emails


    I can be a creature of habit sometimes. Ok, a lot of the time. But I do like when I branch out and do things and think “Why don’t I do that more?” Lets just say I’m so glad I talked to Jason & Cortney Carrion from the first season of “Married at First Sight” for this week’s podcast. How can you not like these two? And you know me, I’m about as skeptical as anyone when it comes to reality TV show relationships. If I find it ridiculous that the “Bachelor” is marrying someone that they’ve spent maybe 3 days with total at the end of 8 weeks of filming, obviously marrying someone at first sight seems preposterous. And it is. But somehow these … Continue reading

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