Reality Steve


  • Podcasts

    Podcast #347 – Interview with Courtney Robertson


    One of my favorites on the show again this week as Courtney Robertson joins me for the first time in almost a year. So much to talk about and very little about Charity’s season, if at all. We talk about her podcast rebranding, the recent guests she’s had on, turning 40 last week, her appearance at my Vegas party this year, chicken tenders (I’m not exaggerating), her chaotic season of the “Bachelor,” having to appear at her own “Women Tell All” as the final choice, how protected Happy Couple weekends are as the final couple, what she did to pull off an unsanctioned one, and much, much more. Check out Courtney’s newly titled “After Reality” podcast when you get a chance, with recent guests Shawn … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #346 – Interview with William Holman from Ashley’s Season of the “Bachelorette” & “Bachelor Pad 2”


    You know I always love going old school talking to contestants and this week was no different. William Holman joins me this week to talk about his season on the “Bachelorette” when Ashley was the lead. Appropriate for the week because just like Aaron this week, William had the first 1-on-1 of the season that year in one of the coolest 1-on-1’s we’ve ever seen – dinner in the middle of the Bellagio fountains in Las Vegas. However, there’s a story behind that I’d never heard of that he tells, along with probably the biggest goof he had during the season, which was roasting Ashley during the group date. What a real shocker to hear how production essentially set him up for that giant fail. … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #345 – Interview with JoJo Fletcher & Jordan Rodgers, Hosts of “The Big D”

    Photo Credit: USA Network

    Well, seven years in the making, and it finally happened. So thankful to be joined by JoJo & Jordan for the first time ever on today’s podcast to talk about their new show on the USA Network, “The Big D.” If you haven’t been watching, you should. It’s on Wednesday nights after “Temptation Island” and it’s a fun 2 hr block of television. We discuss everything from how the show was cancelled before it even aired last year then getting picked up by the USA Network, dissect the couples and their issues, the changes we’ll see in some of the contestants, they discuss their marriage and navigating a relationship in the social media world, and yes, we begin by talking about my coverage of their … Continue reading

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