Reality Steve


  • Podcasts

    Podcast #255 – Interview with US Weekly’s Emily Longeretta


    You know over the years I’ve had issues with some of the entertainment sites and their coverage of this show, including how they’ve chosen to avoid stories that I’ve broke over the years. And for a while, US Weekly was #1 on my radar. It’s been well documented. But since Emily Longeretta and I got in touch over 18 months ago, that relationship has changed. She came on the podcast about 2 weeks into the pandemic last year, we’ve remained in touch here and there since then, and I thought it was time to bring her on again since she was behind the latest Clare/Dale story reported by US Weekly. We dive into that coverage and how it came to be, her podcast on the … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #254 – Interview with “Survivors” Stephen Fishbach


    “Survivor” is back on our air after almost being gone for 2 years and that can mean only one thing – our resident guru and former 2-time player Stephen Fishbach joins the podcast to talk about it being back in our lives. A lot of new changes to “Survivor” this season and we talk about each one individually. Do we like them? Do they benefit the game? Does it make the production better? Some things are blatant, some not so much. We dive into all of that and then some. As a heads up, this was recorded before last night’s episode, so there won’t be any spoilers regarding last night. And since the “Beware Advantage” was used for the first time last night, you’ll hear … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #253 – Interview with Trish Schneider Cullins from Jesse Palmer’s “Bachelor” Season


    Takin’ it back old school again this week as we have Trish Schneider Cullins from Jesse’s Palmer’s season of the “Bachelor” as our guest. We had her on before – 3 years ago. Man the pandemic has totally made me lose all sense of time. If you would’ve told me Trish was on last year or maybe even 18 months ago, I would’ve said “That sounds about right.” Nope. 3 years! June of 2018. That’s crazy to me. I feel like I just spoke with her. Crazy. Anyway, wanted to have her on again to talk about the role of “villain” in 2005 versus now and how much different things are. Because honestly, she was probably the first true “villain” this show ever had. You … Continue reading

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