Reality Steve


  • Podcasts

    Podcast #213 – Interview with Suzana, Creator of @Bachelordata on Instagram


    If you don’t know, you should know. Analytics are kinda taking over this world. There’s a relatively new IG account that’s making some waves in the Bachelor world, and it’s @Bachelordata. If you haven’t seen it yet, you should. You don’t even have to like math to be intrigued by the data they collect on contestants, episodes, TV time, etc. It’s all there. I haven’t seen any site on the internet break down contestants like @Bachelordata does, so I decided to bring its creator on this week, Suzana, to talk about how & why she started doing all this. Mind you, this is all for fun. It’s a hobby for her. But what’s her background? What has she learned from pulling these statistics on the … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #212 – Interviews with Josh Bourelle & Dominique Scalise, the Exes of Tayshia Adams & Memphis Garrett


    Got a very interesting podcast for you today that I’m sure will generate quite a bit of interest, as I guess you can call this the “Exes Speak Out.” First, I’m joined by Tayshia Adams ex-husband, Josh Bourelle. Then after him, Dominique Scalise, the ex-girlfriend of Big Brother All-Star Memphis Garrett, joins me to talk about her reaction to the Memphis/Christmas relationship announcement last week. If your immediate reaction is “Psssh, exes just looking for attention,” you’re missing the point. Nobody has heard from Josh Bourelle in the 2 years since Tayshia became part of the Bachelor world. He’s never done any interview or said a word about their marriage. He’s a little fed up about what he’s seen and heard this season so he … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #211 – Interview with Jacqueline Trumbull


    Fun times this week as one of my favorite guests is joining us yet again, Jacqueline Trumbull. She hasn’t been on since February, which seems like forever and a day ago. So much so that I actually blanked during this podcast on when I did the Jenna Cooper podcast, who is Jacqueline’s good friend. I seriously thought that was 2019. Like, crazy to think the Jenna stuff happened during the pandemic. I don’t know why I can’t grasp that, but yeah, it did happen this year. Anyway, Jacqueline is so insightful when it comes to this franchise as we talk about a lot of behind the scenes stuff regarding this show, the treatment of contestants, production tricks, and more. Always love hearing from Jacqueline because … Continue reading

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