Reality Steve


  • Podcasts

    Podcast #180 – Coronavirus Talk with the “Bachelor’s” Epidemiologist, Emily O’Brien


    A very fun talk today with one of my favorites from the franchise. Very little “Bachelor” talk as since Emily O’Brien is an epidemiologist, it made much more sense to talk about COVID-19 with her. Even back when her season aired with Ben Flajnik in 2012, Emily has never done a podcast before. So interesting getting a medical perspective on the virus from someone who studies this for a living. We spend a good hour on the virus itself as I try to get every basic question a lot of people have about this thing along with hitting on the stuff I know people wanna know about. Also, Emily is currently involved in a project that’s very helpful to people working in the frontline of … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #179 – Interview with “Big Brother’s” Kathryn Dunn


    Sorry I was a day late with today’s podcast, as sometimes believe it or not, I don’t have my shit together. I totally blanked on when this week’s was being recorded. Simple as that. Like I knew all week I was recording with Kathryn on Thursday, yet, it never dawned on me that that’s the day my podcast goes up until yesterday morning. Lets just call it COVID brain because there’s really no other way to explain it since it’s never happened like that before. Anyway, Kathryn Dunn from last summer’s “Big Brother” is my guest this week, and she’s got plenty to say. Honestly can’t believe it took me this long to have Kathryn on considering she’s a local Dallas woman. We cover a … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #178 – Interview with Jenna Cooper


    To say today’s guest would be someone you thought you’d never hear on this podcast would be an major understatement. Back in 2018, I reported a story on Jenna Cooper that essentially ended her engagement with Jordan Kimball. It posted the morning their finale of them getting engaged was set to air, everything got blown up, it became the biggest story in Bachelor Nation at the time, and for the last 18 months, Jenna has never done an interview to speak on it. Until now. Sure, she’s sent out some tweets and Instagram posts and given a quote here or there through attorneys, but she has never done an interview telling her side of the story until today. A lot of you may not remember … Continue reading

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