“Reader Emails,” Tomorrow’s Podcast, Another BIP Couple Seen, & Michelle’s Guys Age Breakdown
I’m a simple man. I don’t ask for much. And only about 3-4 times a year do I ask you guys to send in audio question on Yappa to be part of the podcast. Now, lets not all jump at the chance at once. 2? TWO? That’s all I could get from you yesterday? I’m kidding. Sort of. I’m only looking for about 5-7 total. Thought that’d be easy to get to yesterday but apparently not. So once again, I’ll ask for your questions/comments to be on tomorrow’s podcast, scroll down to either yesterday’s post or today’s post, create a Yappa account, click the camera icon to shut it off (sound doesn’t come through well if you record a video), and leave your question/comment. That’s … Continue reading