Reality Steve

Reader Emails

“Reader Emails,” Ratings, Bachelor Talk, & Today is Gotcha Day

Photo Credit: ABC

Today is a big today. You know why? Because three years ago today is when I adopted my dog Luka. Always an easy date to remember because it was 8/18/18. Damn, I can’t believe it’s been three years. To commemorate, I will be doing a photo dump on Twitter and IG stories later today, so you can look forward to that. She will get extra treats today, we’ll be going to the dog park, but other than that, a pretty tame day per usual. I mean, she has no idea it’s her Gotcha Day. I tried to tell her this morning but she didn’t seem to understand. Not sure why. I mean, I clearly spelled it out for her in Engligh, but dammit, she hasn’t quite caught on. While she can get much crazier than my last dog Maddie, I’d say she’s more attached to my hip than Maddie was. Maddie was very independent and basically just slept on my bed all day when I’m working or watching TV. Luka pretty much is crammed in right next to me when I watch TV as she likes to squeeze in between me and the arm rest, which you’ll see in the pics I post later today. Then after a while she’ll get up and go to the couch. Then come back to me. Then go back to the couch. So happy birthday/Gotcha Day to Luka. When I adopted her, they said she was between 2-3 years old, so I guess that makes her between 5-6 today. She’s the best.

Ratings are in from Monday night and the show won the night in the 18-49 demo with a .9 rating, and was the second most watched show of the night. That’s the good news. Pretty much like how the “Bachelorette” performed. The bad news is that compared to the last time BIP aired, the numbers are down. Season 6 premiered in August of 2019 and drew a 4.36 million (versus the 3.0 million viewers Monday night) and a 1.3 rating. So it seems like it’s trending down and I don’t expect the numbers to get much better. Probably will stay like this on Monday night viewings, and Tuesday nights will drop. Always has. But again, it won the night in the 18-49 demo, which is most important to advertisers.

Yesterday Michelle had another 1-on-1 date in Minnesota with Nayte Olukoya and two of her friends. Here are some pics from that date:

Received word late last night that there was a fireworks show around 11:00pm in downtown Minneapolis by US Bank Stadium. I should have a short video of that for you later today that I’ll post on my Twitter and IG stories. What’d @Bachelordata creator Suzana say about fireworks dates last week on the podcast?

Diving into “FBoy Island” tomorrow on the podcast as we’ve got Sarah Emig on the show. A good 70 minute talk about everything regarding what happened on the show. A little bit more on her background, the type of guy she’s dated in the past, what wasn’t shown on the show, the decision she made at the end, and much, much more. If you haven’t watched the finale of “FBoy Island” yet, I suggest watching it before listening to Sarah since we talk all about what happened at the end and what’s happening post show. Don’t wanna miss this one. I hope to have more FBoy Island cast on in the coming weeks.

So many of you have tweeted or IG messaged me about Fleiss hinting that the “Bachelor” announcement is coming soon. The guy has never told the truth on basically anything that he tweets, so I wouldn’t put much stock into that. I know they’re talking to people, but you know with the “Bachelor” and “Bachelorette” announcement, it’s really the only thing they can keep secretive because we know they have multiple people sign contracts and will even shoot promo videos of people who ultimately don’t end up getting the gig. So it’s always been harder to spoil the next “Bachelor/ette” announcement than other things. Sometimes I’ve been able to, sometimes I haven’t. I’m hearing rumblings, but nothing I feel secure enough running with yet. When I do, you’ll be the first to know. The “Bachelor” doesn’t start filming til the beginning of October. I just don’t see them announcing it anytime soon. Probably closer to the end of Paradise like they usually do. We’ll see.

“Reader Emails” begins on Page 2…



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