Today’s “Reader Emails” are loaded with your final thoughts on the season, the Katie/Blake duo, the Katie/Greg fight and what not. Because Nick’s podcast with Greg dropped later last night, no emails with reaction to that which is fine, but for anyone wanting to hear what Greg had to say, I suggest go listening. Clearly it pains me to promote anything Nick Viall does, but, you’re tuning in to hear what Greg now thinks of everything in an unfiltered format. I listened to most of it (I’ll be honest, I had to fast forward through a couple things), but it’s definitely a good listen. Greg finally owns up to how he came across to Katie, talks about his dad’s death, talks about going to therapy, and how he’s processed everything over the last few weeks seeing it play back. At least the guy was finally honest. I think that’s all anyone was looking for. Now, if you want to say he’s only saying it now to save face because of criticism he’s getting, whatever. The guy clearly hasn’t been in a good place since his dad died, he made that perfectly clear, and maybe this show wasn’t the right avenue for it. But he’s owning it, which is something he hadn’t done until yesterday. So check it out if you’re so interested. It’s an interesting listen for sure.
A few final thoughts from me regarding this season after seeing some of the responses since Monday night. Again, it really doesn’t make sense to me as to why some people choose to watch what Katie and Blake have now said post show in their numerous interviews and then just decide they want to discredit them. Does it mean I think they will totally get married and stay together until one of them dies? No. But when you see Katie and Blake posting pics together and saying in interviews saying they’re happy, your first reaction is to tell them they suck or he’s a second choice, or she’s still in love with Greg? Why? Seriously. Why is that your reaction? Why can’t you either:
A) Just say nothing
B) While maybe being skeptical, just wish them well and be on your way
It boggles my mind. Sure there’s skepticism. I have skepticism. I do about every final couple because this is not a normal way to get engaged to someone. But the way some people have to make their negative feelings known about it is crazy to me. Like, go outside. Play with your kids. Do something productive. You really need to re-prioritize things in your life if you’ve done nothing but post on social media since Monday night how much you dislike Katie, or Katie and Blake will never make it, or she’s still in love with Greg, etc. Good Lord.
The internet is the best and worst thing because it gives everyone a voice, and frankly, not everyone needs one. Because you know and I know, that if you saw Blake and Katie out in San Diego holding hands or at dinner you wouldn’t interrupt them to tell them she doesn’t love hime or she’s still in love with Greg. Or you wouldn’t walk up to them and say, “Hey Blake, how does it feel to be Katie’s second choice?” So many keyboard warriors out there that love to think they have all the right answers behind a nameless, faceless account when you know you never say a word to them in person. And if they DID, they’d probably just lie and say the opposite, which makes them even more phony. The lesson as always: people suck.
Ratings are in from Monday’s finale and not only was it the highest rated episode of the season (which was expected, the finale always is), but it blew away any other previous episode by the likes which we’ve never seen before. Let me explain. The most watched episode from Katie’s season was episode 7 at 3.7 million. No other episode beat that. The finale drew 6.6 million. So a whole season where you couldn’t break 3.7 million viewers only to double that in the finale. I went back to most recent seasons and there’s never been anything like that where the most watched episode of the season was then doubled in the finale. Look at the numbers:
Matt – Most watched episode drew 5.25 million. Finale drew 5.75 million.
Clare/Tayshia – Most watched episode drew 5.4 million. Finale drew 5.2 million. First time ever the finale didn’t outdraw the most watched episode from earlier in the season.
Peter – Most watched episode 6.8 million. Finale drew 7.7 million.
Hannah – Most watched episode 6.5 million. Finale drew 7.4 million.
Colton – Most watched episode 7.2 million. Finale drew 8.1 million.
Becca – Most watched episode 6.3 million. Finale drew 6.7 million.
Arie – Most watched episode 6.75 million. Finale drew 7.7 million.
So you get the point. To see your show double in the finale just doesn’t happen on this show. I’m kinda shocked to see THAT number in the finale based on what they were all season. You heard me say it all season, Katie’s numbers were nothing but consistent. They were the lowest rated ever, but still, every episode drew between 3.1 million and 3.7 million. Then with the finale drawing 6.6 million, that’s a better finale than Matt or Clare/Tayshia’s season by over 1 million viewers. UPDATE: has updated their ratings from Monday night. They goofed. Bachelorette drew 4.4 million viewers and a 1.1 rating. 700k more viewers than their highest previous episode this season, but not nearly the double like originally reported. Honestly, that makes more sense. I was scratching my head how the lowest rated season doubled their out put in one episode. Now we know. Original ratings from that site were wrong. I’ve been using them all year and this was the first one that they screwed up.
Tomorrow is the FBoy Island release of their final 4 episodes, and you’re in for a treat. Some good stuff happening in the last few episodes, and without giving away spoilers of names and scenarios and what not, I will give you a teaser of what to expect:
Episode 7: The girls narrowing 4 guys down to 3 for each of them.
Episode 8: The girls narrowing 3 guys down to 2 for each of them.
Episode 9: Starts with one surprise I don’t wanna say but it’s good, and then the girls go on their final overnight date with 1 of their final 2 guys.
Episode 10: The girls go on their final overnight date with the other guy in their final 2, then we have the final elimination, where we find out who they choose and what the money situation is.
Trust me, you will ALL have some opinions on this finale I guarantee it. It’s going to elicit some good responses I’m sure. Can’t wait for you all to see it. I think the episodes drop around 12pm tonight PST, right? I will be discussing the finale in the first 10-15 min of tomorrow’s podcast, so if you stay up late to watch them before my podcast goes up tomorrow, you won’t be spoiled. If not, I suggest fast forwarding through if you don’t want to be spoiled.
“Reader Emails” begins on Page 2…