Reality Steve

The Bachelor 22 – Arie

  • The Bachelor 22 - Arie

    The “Bachelor” Arie – Episode 6 Recap, Bekah Was Missing (Not Really), & Update on the “Women Tell All” Taping

    Photo Credit: ABC

    I’m a man of my word. I follow through on things that I say. And dammit if I didn’t tell you last Tuesday that I was gonna watch “Grease 2” at some point this past weekend, and I damn sure did. If you were following along on Sunday about 3 hours before kickoff, you saw me live tweeting the movie. There are so many things I didn’t even get to while covering it, but I think you could sense my overall thoughts. It’s just one of those movies that when you watch it years later, it’s obviously utterly ridiculous and silly. But at the time in 1983 when I was watching it for what seemed like every day in the summer? Please. It was like … Continue reading

  • The Bachelor 22 - Arie

    The “Bachelor” Arie – Episode 5 Recap, Lauren’s Previous Engagement, & Another Arie Ex Speaks Out

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Believe it or not, we’re halfway through the season already. Only two episodes to go before the hometown dates and when things are going to reeeeeeealllly get interesting. I know I say this every season, but it is funny how it takes them one month of real time to get from 29 girls down to 4, but then it takes three weeks of real time to get from 4 down to 1. Shows you how many insignificant cast members there are on any given season. This season is no different. 10 girls are headed to Paris, which is usually about 1-2 more than usually are still around by episode 6. So I guess good for them that a few lucked out and got to travel … Continue reading

  • Bachelor Arie Spoilers

    (EXCLUSIVE SPOILER): What is Going On?

    Photo Credit: ABC

    PLEASE DO NOT READ ANY FURTHER IF YOU DON’T WANT TO BE SPOILED. Feels kinda funny that the “Spoiler Guy” has to write that on his own website, but sometimes I’m baffled by the people who contact me via email or social media to let me know they were reading on my site or were listening to the podcast but didn’t want to be spoiled. I don’t know what to tell you. I’m a spoiler site. I spoil the “Bachelor” franchise and all their shows. In my recaps, I will allude to the spoilers I initially posted. Sometimes in the podcast I will eventually give out a spoiler or whatever, hence the reason the episode description of every podcast has SPOILERS in all caps at … Continue reading

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