Reality Steve

The Bachelorette 15 – Hannah

  • Bachelor in Paradise 6

    “Bachelorette” Filming Hometowns & “Bachelor in Paradise” Info

    Photo Credit: ABC

    We’re coming up on the end of the “Bachelorette” – sort of. If you saw my tweet on Thursday, you know who Hannah’s final 4 are: Luke Parker, Tyler Cameron, Jed Wyatt, and Peter Weber. They are being filmed in that order as Luke’s was Saturday, Tyler’s was yesterday, Jed’s is tomorrow, and Peter’s is Friday with the rose ceremony being Saturday night. I fully expect Peter to be eliminated on Saturday. Anything can happen, but from what I’ve heard all season, Jed, Luke, and Tyler were gonna be her final three for a while now. I guess we’ll see for sure come Saturday, but don’t be surprised if that’s your final three. I’m trying to confirm where they’re headed for overnights and final rose … Continue reading

  • The Bachelorette 15 - Hannah

    “Bachelorette” Filming Begins, ABC Releases All Their Guys, Except Some Don’t Make It

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Remember the scene in “The Hangover” when Phil (Bradley Cooper) is leaving school on a Friday and a student of his asks him a question as he’s about to jump into the car and head to Vegas for the weekend for Doug’s bachelor party? Remember what he said to the kid? It was, “It’s the weekend Budnick. I don’t know you. You do not exist.” Yeah, that’s basically me today. Knowing I leave tomorrow morning to Vegas for my favorite trip of the year, basically I don’t want to hear from anyone. Ok, kidding. Maybe a few people. But yeah, that’s my mentality. My mind is already at the sportsbook as I’ve been crunching numbers since Sunday night and studying like I’m a senior in … Continue reading

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