Reality Steve



  • The Bachelor 26 - Clayton

    The “Bachelor” Clayton – Episode 5 Recap, Wordle, Speculation Surrounding the Finale, & Clayton’s Tweets


    So yeah, I’m like a kid. You know when you’re real young, you beg your parents for that toy or game you wanted, you get it, play the hell out of it, and two weeks later it’s yesterday’s news? Now, I’m not saying I’m not still playing Wordle anymore because I am. I’m just saying my excitement level isn’t at 100 anymore. It’s maybe around a 10. I’ve played for 24 days now, and gotten it on all 24. And today for the first time, I got it on the second try. I feel like I’ve accomplished everything I need to with that, so it’s just not as big of deal to me anymore. I don’t have a goal of guessing the first try because … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #272 – Answering Your “Reader Emails”


    We had a little bit of a scheduling conflict this week, so the original guest is now gonna be pushed back to next week. I’m guessing you will enjoy next weeks guest. Promise. So, I decided to answer your “Reader Emails,” which kinda turned into 101 different ways to ask me about Shanae. Kidding. Well, sort of. There definitely is a lot of Shanae talk in today’s podcast, looked at from a few different angles. We also talk a little college basketball, NFL playoffs, Tom Brady, Bachelor Nation podcasts and books, productions role in this seasons storylines, is the drama too over-the-top, etc. That and much, much more in today’s “Reader Emails” podcasts. Some of you sent them in after I’d already recorded this afternoon, … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” Shanae’s Hypocrisy, Need Emails for Tomorrow’s Podcast, & Thoughts on the Football Date

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Obviously Shanae has dominated the conversation of the “Bachelor” for the last 2 weeks, and will continue to do so as long as she’s on the show. She’s all anyone is talking about. And yesterday, a reader made a great point about her that I didn’t pick up on. We saw Shanae tell the women in an episode that she wasn’t there to make friends. Fine. We get someone like that every season. But then in the same breath, she’s whining to Clayton about how the women ignore her. Well, if you aren’t there to be their friends which we clearly saw you say, why would you be the least bit bothered they were ignoring you? In fact, wouldn’t that be EXACTLY what you want? … Continue reading

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