Reality Steve



  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” Ratings, Mike Johnson Speaks, & When is the Next IG Live?

    Photo Credit: ABC

    So how was my Tuesday you ask? Well, lets see. During the day, my house dropped to 45 degrees. I wasn’t in it much until the power guy came out to take a look. Apparently my power fuse broke and that’s why my heater went out Monday morning. So he came yesterday around 4:30 and my heater has been fixed. Took a couple hours to go from 45 degrees to a comfortable 68, but dammit, we got there. You know what my favorite part was? When he takes that laser gun and points it at the vents to see how hot the air is that’s coming out. It was 98-100 degrees in all the vents that we checked. Then he pointed the laser gun at … Continue reading

  • The Bachelor 25 - Matt

    The “Bachelor” Matt – A Breakdown of the Last Week in Bachelor Nation, Chris Harrion, & What Happens Now?

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Ummmmm Dallas, we have a problem. For those that aren’t aware, the Dallas-Ft Worth area is having our worst winter storm in probably 10 years. I’ve been here 14 1/2 years myself and the only time I can remember worse than this was the week of the Steelers/Packers Super Bowl held here. That was a disaster. We definitely have our cold winters. And February is always our coldest month. We’ll dip into the 20s and sometimes in the teens. And maybe we’ll have a few snow days a year. But very rarely does it stay cold enough for the snow to stick very long. That’s not what’s happening now. Got about 4 inches of snow Sunday, and we’re not supposed to get out of the … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #221 – Interview with Mark Walberg, Host of “Temptation Island”

    Photo Credit: USA Network

    Yes, it’s finally upon us. We didn’t have a “Temptation Island” season air in 2020 because, you know, we had a pandemic. As you’ll hear Mark say in the interview, he was set to leave for Maui on March 15th, which was only 2 days after Clare’s season was originally set to film. Filming ended up getting pushed back to October after having to jump through a few hurdles in Hawaii, but it finally got done, and season 3 begins Tuesday night on the USA Network at 10/9c. Mark joins me this week for his yearly preview of the season and what to expect to see – spoiler free of course. I’ll be having one of the members from the couples on every week this … Continue reading

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