Reality Steve



  • Podcasts

    Podcast #215 – Interview with “Game of Roses” Podcast Hosts Chad Kultgen & Lizzy Pace, And Marie Bass, Ex-Wife of Evan Bass


    The final podcast of 2020. We’re finally here. To say it’s been an interesting year would be probably the understatement of the century. What I will say though is this. I don’t want to be a Debbie Downer, but I hope everyone realizes that when the clock strikes midnight tonight, it’s not like everything is going suddenly change. We’re still gonna be in the same predicament as a country as 12:01am tonight as we have been for the last 9 months. We’ve got a ways to go. HOWEVER, at least there’s a light at the end of the tunnel now. First half (maybe into quarter 3) is gonna be a lot of the same, but I think we will eventually get out of this and … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #214 – Interview with the Bachelor’s Epidemiologist, Emily O’Brien


    Merry Christmas a little early everyone! Gonna release today’s podcast about 18 hours earlier than I usually do with tomorrow being Christmas eve and all. Anyway, one of my all-time favorite women from the franchise, Emily O’Brien, is joining us again after her first stint back in April received such positive feedback. And no, not because of Bachelor talk. She’s an epidemiologist at Duke University (and also a former contestant on Ben Flajnik’s season), but she’s excellent with her knowledge in this field and with the COVID vaccine’s recent release publicly, I wanted to bring her on again to talk about the virus, the vaccine, and so many questions I know a lot of people have. This isn’t a political debate. This isn’t to sway … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    The “Bachelorette” Tayshia – “Reader Emails,” Finale, Ratings, and Overall Thoughts on the Season

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Yaaaaaaaay, another end to another season. Easily the most different, most bizarre, and most hate filled season I’ve ever dealt with. Even this morning, after the season is all over, woke up to a nice “you’re a racist misogynist” email. Merry Christmas to you too! It’s becoming hilarious at this point. You know the best part of that email was? That at the end, they said they weren’t hating on me. Ummmm, you literally called me a racist misogynist in your first sentence, Karen. Was that a compliment that I missed? Pretty comical. But, tis’ the season that was Clare/Tayshia. It was the first time in 40 seasons we had filming in one location for the whole duration. We’re about to embark on a second … Continue reading

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