Reality Steve



  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” Ratings, Tik Tok-Gate, & How Does a Pick Up Truck End Up On The Show?

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Ahhhh, back to normal with a whole season of “Reader Emails” on Wednesday. Life is totally back to normal, right? I can take of my mask, attend sporting events, and hang out with friends, right? Wait, no? I thought since it’s 2021 now everything was gonna be different? That’s what social media was telling me that 2020 was behind us and 2021 was gonna be totally different. Oh well. By the way, I’m all in on the “Masked Dancer” guys. You’ll be seeing me tweet about it tonight as I’m in a partnership with them, but dammit, I didn’t want to be sucked in and now I am. Tonight we get all new dancers, but I do think Charli D’Amelio was one of the ones … Continue reading

  • The Bachelor 25 - Matt

    The “Bachelor” Matt – Episode 1 Recap, IG Live with Ashley Spivey Returns Tonight, & Social Media Goes Crazy Last Night

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Another season underway and it couldn’t have come soon enough. Literally. COVID gave us for the first time in show history, two seasons only separated by two weeks. Don’t get used to it. At least, I hope we don’t need to get used to it because the only way this happens again is if there’s another global pandemic that shuts everything down. You gotta give props to the Bachelor franchise since they were one of the first shows in all of television back in July to start back up and film using the new safety protocols. Lets face it, the “Bachelorette” walked so “Cobra Kai” could run. Ok, plenty of shows know how to film during COVID now, but I just chose that since I … Continue reading

  • Bachelor Matt Spoilers

    Spoilers for Matt’s Season

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Well, what an offseason that was, wasn’t it? Whew. Feels like it’s been months since I talked to you. You know, back when Bachelor in Paradise ended in September, it’s been a good 4 months since…oh wait. That didn’t happen. We had a jacked up 2020 to say the least with Bachelor programming, but all should be right in the world now as everything is back on track. The “Bachelor” filmed in its normal time (albeit a couple weeks less since there was no travel having filmed from Oct. 10th to around Nov. 21st or so). They’ve already said that next “Bachelorette” season will film, per usual, in March right after Matt’s season ends and it will be in a bubble again. Remember I told … Continue reading

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