Tell me something. In this history of this show, have they EVER had any sort of cliffhanger that played during the credits of the show? Usually it’s a blooper, or part of a date we never saw, etc. But I can’t remember at any point where something shown in the credits was vital to the show and the storyline. Well, it happened last night. And I didn’t even know until about 2 hours later when I saw @BachelorData on IG talk about that crazy rose ceremony and the breakdown for it. I had no idea that in the credits scene last night, James admitted to making a mistake and said he should’ve taken Rachel’s rose. So she ended up giving it to him. All I say was in the previews for next week, James is the one who tells Rachel that Hayden was talking shit basically, so I just assumed they let James come to Paris to confront Rachel with what he heard, but that’s obviously not the case anymore. James is still part of the show and one of the 9 guys left competing for Rachel, while Gabby also has 9.
As always, get your “Reader Emails” in today to appear in tomorrow’s. I have a decent amount so far this week, but I always want more. The more the better. So get those in to appear in tomorrow’s column. Also, today’s Daily Roundup is now posted where I give brief thoughts on last night’s show, some Logan news for this season, a clarification on the “cheating” story from yesterday, and how I’m covering spoilers.
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Music written by Jimmer Podrasky
(B’Jingo Songs/Machia Music/Bug Music BMI)
In regards to Logan, he received Rachel’s rose last night, but as you saw in the previews, he’s feeling it for Gabby. And Gabby is receptive towards him as well. So I’m not sure what city it happens in, but Logan tells Rachel his feelings for Gabby are stronger, and Logan ends up flipping to her. This does not cause any rift between Rachel and Gabby from what I know. But Gabby gives Logan a chance. It’s not like she says no. The feelings were mutual. I just know Logan never made it hometowns, so, whatever spark there was, I guess it wasn’t strong enough. HOWEVER, this storyline carries on into Paradise. Because as you know if you followed the Paradise spoilers during filming, you know towards the end, Logan and Kate were a thing. Well, Kate and Logan inevitably end up breaking up in Paradise. Whatever the reasoning is I guess we’ll have to see it play out, but Gabby and Rachel BOTH were down in Paradise towards the end of filming and they told Kate about Logan and that he was indecisive and what not. So I’m guessing that played a role in their breakup? I just know they went down there and told her. So Logan is gonna be on your TV’s for the next 4 months or so. Strap in.
Remember I mentioned earlier how @BachelorData broke down that rose ceremony and how each woman came out with 9 men each? Well, rather than me trying to type it out, here’s a great explanation of it. And yes, producers knew damn well before that rose ceremony ever started which way each guy was leaning and that each woman would eventually have the same number of roses at the end of the episode. Not of that just magically happened on the fly. The whole episode they wanted to make you think Gabby’s insecurity about never being good enough was going to bite her at the rose ceremony and guys would turn her away, when it’s obvious the whole plan was to trick the audience into thinking that, when they knew they were gonna turn around and do that to Rachel. Here’s the rose ceremony breakdown:
Heard so many rumors about this season. I just have no idea if any of it is true. I’m not just gonna throw them all out there bc they will be taken as truth and attributed to me. They can also affect people who, if it’s not true, completely mischaracterizes something they may have done. No thanks. I’ll let the TikTok gossip mongers do that.
Recap begins on Page 2…