Reality Steve



  • Podcasts

    Podcast #213 – Interview with Suzana, Creator of @Bachelordata on Instagram


    If you don’t know, you should know. Analytics are kinda taking over this world. There’s a relatively new IG account that’s making some waves in the Bachelor world, and it’s @Bachelordata. If you haven’t seen it yet, you should. You don’t even have to like math to be intrigued by the data they collect on contestants, episodes, TV time, etc. It’s all there. I haven’t seen any site on the internet break down contestants like @Bachelordata does, so I decided to bring its creator on this week, Suzana, to talk about how & why she started doing all this. Mind you, this is all for fun. It’s a hobby for her. But what’s her background? What has she learned from pulling these statistics on the … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” Your Responses to Yesterday’s Post, & My Thoughts on the Last 2 Nights Episodes

    Photo Credit: ABC

    What an interesting last 24 hrs. After yesterday’s post, A LOT of emails coming in that not only wanted to lend their support to last week’s podcast, but gave really strong and well thought out opinions as to why they liked it and had no problem with Josh coming on. When I posted what I did yesterday, I was not looking for sympathy, I was not looking for “c’mon guys back me up here” emails. It wasn’t my intention at all. I was just letting you know what the overwhelming reaction was on Twitter and in my DM’s. So what I’m gonna do today is this. Page 2 of today’s emails is every email I basically received since yesterday, most in support of the Josh … Continue reading

  • The Bachelorette 16 - Tayshia

    (SPOILER) Tayshia’s Hometown Date Episode Tonight, & Everything I’ve Been Told About the Ending

    Photo Credit: ABC

    First things first, let me just say you know one thing I’m actually thrilled about? That we’re back on a normal schedule for this site. Recaps Tuesdays, “Reader Emails” Wednesdays, and podcasts Thursdays. And once Matt’s season starts Jan. 4th, that’ll continue into next season. It’s the little things I tell ya’. Because having to do “Reader Emails” before the episodes aired was just…odd. And we got less this season because of it. But hey, we made the most of it. So get your emails in today to be answered during tomorrow’s post. Right now, about half of what we usually have, so if you get something in today, good chance it’ll be in tomorrow’s “Reader Emails.” And trust me, I’m sure you’re gonna have … Continue reading

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