Reality Steve



  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” & (SPOILER) What Former Contestant Shows Up on Matt’s Season?

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Going to be quite the interesting week in Bachelor world. Will have a good episode tonight with lots of drama and stuff for people to talk about, which I’ll get to momentarily. I have a feeling Matt’s women will be “officially” released by ABC this week as well since they posted the episode #1 press release yesterday. In the past, that’s always meant the cast was soon to follow. They gave us 43 women back in October a few days before filming started, but now we know only 32 made it to the first night based off the press release. And then lastly, I think people are going to be interested in my podcast guests this week. Yes, plural. Neither of them are related to … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #211 – Interview with Jacqueline Trumbull


    Fun times this week as one of my favorite guests is joining us yet again, Jacqueline Trumbull. She hasn’t been on since February, which seems like forever and a day ago. So much so that I actually blanked during this podcast on when I did the Jenna Cooper podcast, who is Jacqueline’s good friend. I seriously thought that was 2019. Like, crazy to think the Jenna stuff happened during the pandemic. I don’t know why I can’t grasp that, but yeah, it did happen this year. Anyway, Jacqueline is so insightful when it comes to this franchise as we talk about a lot of behind the scenes stuff regarding this show, the treatment of contestants, production tricks, and more. Always love hearing from Jacqueline because … Continue reading

  • The Bachelorette 16 - Tayshia

    The “Bachelorette” Tayshia – Episode 8 Recap, “Men Tell All” News, Update on Eazy, & Did Tayshia Spoil Her Own Season?

    Photo Credit: ABC

    I wanted to bring up the “Men Tell All” right off the bat since we now have a date on when it’s airing. As I mentioned, the “Men Tell All” was filmed a couple weeks ago and they flew the guys out to Nemacolin to do it. None of Tayshia’s final four of Ivan, Brendan, Ben, or Zac were in attendance. I can also now report that, well, barely anyone was there. There were only 9 guys in attendance. I know of six who were definitely there: Jason, Yosef, Demar, Ed, Bennett, and Noah were for sure there. I don’t know who the others were. So a 9 person MTA with one guy who never even met Tayshia (Yosef), and one guy who barely met … Continue reading

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