Reality Steve



  • Podcasts

    Podcast #210 – Your “Reader Emails” Answered


    First off, Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Enjoy your day, but please be safe. This podcast came together rather quickly since I just installed the Yappa app at the bottom of every comment section. This wasn’t just for this week. Anyone who wants to leave audio messages under any post of mine and engage with others, feel free. I don’t know when I’ll do another podcast like this in the future because I completely underestimated how long it would take me to do this considering how many different audio filed I had to mash together. But I can see it being something I do maybe every quarter of the year? I don’t know. Haven’t decided yet. But I just think it’s more interesting to hear you … Continue reading

  • The Bachelorette 16 - Tayshia

    The “Bachelorette” Tayshia – Episode 7 Recap, This Week’s Podcast, Clare/Dale, & Dr. Joe Speaks

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Is Thanksgiving overrated, underrated, or not rated? I like the holiday. I do. I like food, so naturally, a holiday that gives me turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, green bean casserole, stuffing, and some other side dishes I ignore pretty much will always be a good time. But people really love to chime in on this holiday and rating it versus others. Not sure I understand that one. Like, does it matter? One of the most memorable Thanksgivings I ever had was back in 2001. I working in LA sports radio, I was basically a fill-in guy, so naturally on Thanksgiving day, they gave me and A Martinez (still on in LA radio by the way, so shout out to my boy A. “Choco cake, … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” (SPOILERS) Tayshia’s Episode #7, & How You Can Be a Part of This Week’s Podcast


    Soooooo I was thinking, “How do I create more engagement with my readers.” I was approached by a company called Yappa, who adds a widget to the comment section of your website where you can leave and audio or video message. Now, I know practically 99% of people who comment on websites, message boards, stories, etc do so while remaining anonymous. And you can still do that on Yappa, because you can sign on one of many ways. Your anonymity depends on how you’d like to sign in, which we’ll get to in a moment. But this being Thanksgiving week and me not having a podcast guest for Thursday yet, I thought what better way for me to try out the app then this week. … Continue reading

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