Reality Steve



  • Bachelor Matt Spoilers

    Podcast #218 (And Column) – Your Finale Spoiler & Audio Emails Answered


    It’s been a couple months, but I figured I’d bring back “Audio Emails” and, I must pat myself on the back for this – I learned from my mistakes. This is more on the technical side, but the first time around, it took me almost six hours to put together the podcast, from downloading all the audio questions, to recording my answers, to then combining them, then putting them all together, etc. Since it was my first time doing it, I was figuring things out on the fly. Last night? Took me maybe 2 hours. I’ve got a new system, so now I won’t be as hesitant in the future to do it. Plan is to do this type of podcast maybe every 2-3 months. … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” Clare & Dale, Instagram Growth, & How to Be on Tomorrow’s Podcast

    Photo Credit: ABC

    The amount of weirdness that has gone down in the last 24 hrs is pretty unrivaled. From the Clare/Dale stuff to something I dealt with last night regarding spoilers. I tell ya, just when I think I’ve seen it all when it comes to doing what I do, something new happens. Gonna be a fun next couple days I’m sure as I’m finalizing things and getting closer to the confirmation I need. I will keep you updated but shouldn’t be much longer. If not tomorrow. Not a ton of “Reader Emails” today and that’s fine. I forgot to remind you guys yesterday I could’ve used some more. Next week you’ll make up for it, right? RIGHT? Don’t worry. I’m not threatening you. Yet. But also, … Continue reading

  • The Bachelor 25 - Matt

    The “Bachelor” Matt – Episode 3 Recap, A Spotify Slip-Up?, Latest on Spoilers & More on Sarah

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Been a couple months, but gonna let you be part of this week’s podcast again. All you have to do is go to the comments section of today’s post (either on desktop or mobile), create an account on Yappa, and record an audio message. Could be a question/comment about the show, one directed towards me, or whatever you feel like. Looking to get about 15-20 of them, since that seemed to work well last time. It’s a lot of work to put it all together, which I will do today and into tomorrow, so only leave your audio on today’s post. Otherwise, I won’t see it. Also, ONLY do audio and not video. I haven’t figured out how to just take the audio if someone … Continue reading

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