Reality Steve



  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” Conversation Cut from ATFR, & Ratings

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Well here we are at roughly 9:00am Wednesday morning, and the “Bachelorette” Facebook page hasn’t put up the guys for Katie’s season yet. Maybe it happens later today, maybe it happens overnight. But if they keep with recent tradition, we should be getting the list of possibly guys for Katie within the next 24 hours. I’ve given you nine (they’re all on my IG Highlights), and I’ve got at least 3 more coming later today as of now. Those will be posted on my Twitter, IG Stories, and saved on my IG Highlights. So that’s a little over a 1/3rd of the cast since I assume we’ll be given around 33-35 guys and 3-5 won’t end up making the cast. That’s how it’s worked since … Continue reading

  • Bachelorette Katie Spoilers

    The “Bachelor” Matt – Finale & ATFR Thoughts, Emmanuel Acho as Host, & (EXCLUSIVE) Some of Katie’s Men This Season

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Ok, ok, ok. I know what you all came here for today. It’s so obvious. Every year at this time you all want my latest and greatest scoop. You all want that info you can’t possibly get anywhere else. The informative, behind-the-scenes, accurate info that frankly, no one else has and you don’t even have to pay for. Been doing this a while now, and every time right after the “Bachelor” finale airs, you’re all coming begging for it. Like a dog waiting for it’s food. You know I’ve got it, you know I’m dangling it in front of you, and you’re just waiting in anticipation for me to give it to you so you can tell your friends and co-workers. It’ll make you the … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #225 – Interview with Erica Washington of “Temptation Island”


    I can assure you “Temptation Island” is beginning to heat up as we’re almost at the halfway point. The most polarizing couple so far has been Kendal and Erica, simply because Kendal has been the only one to “cheat” thus far. We had Kendal on last week, and judging by some of your responses, a lot of you felt he was making excuses for his behavior. Well, what better person to have on this week than his other half, Erica Washington. We ended this week’s episode with her having to watch him have sex with someone else during her clip at the bonfire. How did she feel? Why wasn’t she more upset than she showed? Is she out for revenge now? Has this happened in … Continue reading

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