Reality Steve



  • Bachelorette Clare Spoilers

    “Reader Emails” & Spoilers for Episode #3 Tonight

    Photo Credit: ABC

    This is one hell of an interesting week in Bachelor Nation, and frankly, none of it is positive. After tonight’s episode, I think there will be even more discussion about the men cast on this show. More on that in a minute. Before getting to “Reader Emails” starting on Page 2, I will run down what you will see on tonight’s episode. I think it’s important to note that the Zach Jackson 1-on-1 date is probably going to stir up a lot of discussion. I will let you all watch tonight and I will give my thoughts in tomorrow’s column because I don’t want to put any pre-conceived notions into your head. The bottom line is I already know that the reaction will be mixed … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #205 – Interview with Washington Nationals Analyst FP Santangelo


    Good times. Baseball season is coming to an end, and our resident expert here on the podcast, Washington Nationals analyst FP Santangelo joins me for a second time on the podcast to break down what happened this baseball season. FP originally joined us back in February, along with mutual friend Jacqueline Trumbull, days before he left for spring training. To say a lot has happened since then would be an understatement. So we cover a lot of things in today’s hour + podcast. Always appreciated FP’s insight in baseball, and as a former player, he can even get the average fan to look at things a little bit differently, or even give you a perspective maybe you never thought about. He certainly has thoughts on … Continue reading

  • Bachelor Matt Spoilers

    The “Bachelorette” Clare – Episode 2 Recap & (EXCLUSIVE) Who Got Matt’s First Impression Rose?


    Oooooohhhhh boy. A lot of strong opinions on last night’s episode, and very few of them seem to be positive. Oh what a fickle bunch of fans we have for this show. But again, that’s why this show is so successful. Gimmie an A, or gimmie an F. Nothing in between. When fans are indifferent about your show, that’s when you’re in trouble. And fans are certainly not indifferent about Clare. They either absolutely love her or can’t stand her. Yeah, I’m a fan of Clare and hope to see her do well, but I can be objective. I just don’t think a lot of people are. I dive into more in today’s recap, but man, people are brutal. I’m just not seeing this entitled … Continue reading

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