Reality Steve

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  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” Ratings, & Podcast with Amanda

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Never fails. Never, ever, ever fails. Always before I leave for a trip, seems like everything piles up at once. Gotta do this, gotta do that, gotta record something late, get sent info about the show that I need to look into, etc. I swear, it always happens right before I leave to go somewhere. So it’s been a hectic last couple of days to say the least. Just know I’m working on something. Something I’ve only really done I believe once in the history of the site. Then of course the obligatory random email exchange from a reader that they decide to screen shot and share publicly without ever telling me that was their intention, and that wrapped everything up in a nice little … Continue reading

  • The Bachelorette 15 - Hannah

    The “Bachelorette” Hannah – Episode 4 Recap, BIP Filming Beginning This Week, & Fan Appreciation Party This Friday in Vegas

    Photo Credit: ABC

    You know how when you’re looking through Instagram stories, if you’re watching a few of them in a row, in between there will be an ad mixed in there. Well after Friday night, guess which ad I started seeing in there which I had never seen before? You guessed it: Olive Garden. Not that it should come as a surprise since I tagged Olive Garden in my picture posted on Friday night after a delicioso dinner, but still. Found it rather funny. Yes, dinner was delicioso and I don’t care what all my Italian relatives in New York think. Give me a Tour of Italy every day of the week and twice on Sundays. And oh yeah, the free birthday dessert after the fact went … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #132 – Interview with Michael Garofola


    Interesting week to say the least after yesterday’s post from Joey Jones’ exes. Since yesterday, I’ve been told yet another woman has come forward and contacted Ashley and Melanie and kinda threw her hat into the ring saying she had been with Joey during overlapping time periods with them as well. So there’s that. It sucks, but usually that’s kinda what happens with these things and one of the reasons I gave Ashley and Melanie the platform. Usually once one person has the courage to come forward, others follow. And I as I said, that won’t be the last story you hear about from an ex this season. Stay tuned. Anyway, today’s podcast is with Michael Garofola, someone who is a triple crown threat from … Continue reading

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