Reality Steve



  • Podcasts

    Podcast #119 – Interview with “Here to Make Friends” Podcast Co-Host Emma Gray


    Fun times today talking with “Here to Make Friends” podcast co-host, Emma Gray, and then speaking with Kaci Campbell of “Temptation Island” for our weekly chat. One thing about the beginning of Emma’s interview is that her messenger “ding” goes off about 5 times in the first 5 minutes before she figured out how to shut it off, so just know that goes away about 5 or 6 minutes in. Never had Emma on before, but I know a lot of people enjoy their podcast, and I’ve been on their podcast a couple times, so I figured it was about time we had her on. She definitely has an interesting perspective on the show covering it as a feminist, which we get into. Also, no … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” Ratings, “Temptation Island” Gets a Season 2 Pick-Up, & The Matt Daddy Randolph

    Photo Credit: ABC

    A lot of “Reader Emails” this week. Probably our biggest batch of the season I believe, which I guess I expected since we’re at the end, and a lot was thrown at you in yesterday’s column in regards to the spoilers on next week’s episode, along with your WTA spoilers. However, the #1 question I got this week, and I’m stunned that this came up repeatedly, was some form of, “How did Cassie’s dad get to Portugal? Like, did producers set that up?” I’m still surprised after 17 years and 37 seasons on the air that people have questions like this. I guess maybe I shouldn’t be. Easily that question came across in at least 10 emails this week, so I took a lot of … Continue reading

  • Temptation Island

    “Temptation Island” – Nell Kalter’s Episode 7 Recap

    Photo Credit: USA Network

    While I absolutely commend Kaci for the brilliant strategy she whipped out during the last Bonfire – refusing to open her eyes so she wouldn’t have to see footage that would likely cause her insides to feel as though they were sizzling – I think it’s important that we acknowledge right here and now that her plan will not work moving forward. I’m positive Kaci will want to continue to avert both her eyes and her mind from the truth, but these producers know exactly what they’re doing and they will not so much as pretend to entertain the notion that one of their contestants will manage to avoid all the hours of incendiary footage they’ve nabbed of her boyfriend. See, effectively skating around misery … Continue reading

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