Reality Steve



  • Temptation Island

    “Temptation Island” – Nell Kalter’s Episode 6 Recap

    Photo Credit: USA Network

    Where last we saw Evan, he was writhing beneath Morgan in a bed. And though he was insistent that they not have sex (and he took care to remind her the next morning that full-on f*cking needs to be off the table – and off the bed…and off the floor…and out of the shower – for the foreseeable future), they are still very much behaving like two people in a legitimate relationship. There are consoling touches. There is full body cuddling. There is high-octane chemistry. But you know what also exists in the shadowy corners of Evan and Morgan’s world? AN ACTUAL GIRLFRIEND exists, and what nobody seems to be considering right now is the sheer avalanche of emotional baggage that will surely plague both … Continue reading

  • The Bachelor 23 - Colton

    The “Bachelor” Colton – Episode 7 Recap, “Bachelorette” Talk, & A Case Made for Hannah B.

    Photo Credit: ABC

    What an absolute sh*t show of an episode last night. We basically went around in a circle for two hours with no resolution. Granted, if you looked at social media last night, there were definitely winners and losers in people’s eyes. But kinda hard to say that when none of us know what was actually said. More on that later since it basically takes up the whole column today. Not much to break down on the dates because all anyone wants to talk about is Tayshia/Kirpa vs Caelynn/Cassie showdown. I do my best to try and break it all down for you today with what I know, what I’ve heard from past contestants, and what we were shown on TV last night. There’s a lot … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #117 – Interview with “Bachelor Nation” Author Amy Kaufman


    More great “Bachelor” and “Bachelorette” talk this week with Amy Kaufman, author of “Bachelor Nation: Inside the World of America’s Favorite Guilty Pleasure.” Amy’s book just got re-released in paperback along with an extra chapter, which we cover in the podcast. Amy’s always a great time to talk to because she’s one of the few, if not the only guest, who asks me questions during our talks together. I wouldn’t even call today’s podcast an interview as much as it is two people discussing all things related to the “Bachelor Nation” world. The other good thing is Amy and I definitely don’t agree on everything, which is always fun because we are able to rationally discuss it. I think my favorite part of the podcast … Continue reading

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