Reality Steve

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  • Dr. Reality Steve

    Podcast #91 – Interview with Christon Staples, “Dr. Reality Steve”


    Another fun podcast this week as I have the first guy from Becca’s season joining me in Christon Staples. Or Chris Staples as the dunking world knows him as. The change of his name just in the course of Becca’s season is discussed right off the top. Christon only lasted 4 episodes on Becca’s season, was only on group dates, was not involved in any major drama, yet, I was able to spend 90 minutes with him talking about so much more than just the show. I do geek out a bit getting to finally spend some time talking sports with Christon considering his basketball background and playing for the Harlem Globetrotters. Some things I didn’t know of how he even got to audition for … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails” & BIP Episode 3 Mini-Recap

    Photo Credit: ABC

    You know, we had another episode of BIP on last night, and trying to keep track of who’s making out with who is equivalent to a Carrie Mathison board on “Homeland.” Or CT on the “Challenge” last night figuring out who are the power teams. We’re venturing into Venn diagram territory now trying to figure out all these hookups, and not only that, just the reason for the hookups. Nothing Chris did last night made any sense whatsoever. None. I’m sure he’ll take to social media today and begin to explain himself, but that one was a head scratcher. There could be some editing involved, or conversations that weren’t shown to us which would make him jumping from Tia to Krystal in 14 seconds make … Continue reading

  • Bachelor in Paradise 5

    “Bachelor in Paradise” – Episode 2 Recap, Ratings, “Secrets” of the “Bachelor,” & More

    Photo Credit: ABC

    You know how not into this Paradise season I am? I watched all of last Tuesday’s episode then completely forgot to recap on Wednesday. I don’t think I’ve ever done that in the 15 years of this site. Yeah, I had “Reader Emails” to do and some other stuff to cover, but I just blanked on writing my Paradise thoughts. Now, it’s not like there was a ton to cover since the first 45 minutes of the show was just intro videos and everyone arriving in Mexico. Not a whole hell of a lot of content there. Then the last hour and fifteen minutes were the Colton and Tia show, which was followed up again last night by Part 2 of the Colton and Tia … Continue reading

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