Reality Steve

The Bachelor 23 - Colton

The “Bachelor” Colton – Episode 4 Recap, More Caelynn/Hannah B., & Chris Harrison Has a New Girlfriend

Photo Credit: ABC

Do you realize that after next week, we’ll be at the halfway point of Colton’s season? How great is that? It just started, and yet, it’s almost over. Nothing has been made official by ABC yet, but knowing when WTA is filming, and it not looking like we’re gonna get back-to-back episodes at any point, AND the WTA will air in its own week, things are pointing in the direction of being a 10 episode season, which is one less than every other season for the last 8 years or so. And that fits exactly into the spoilers as to why. There’s so much less footage at the end that this season doesn’t have compared to other seasons. I brought it up in the episode-by-episode spoilers, I just don’t see how they could’ve squeezed 11 episodes out of this with: only 2 overnight dates airing (Tayshia and Cassie’s), no final 3 rose ceremony, no final two each meeting his parents, no final two each getting one last date, no meeting of Neil Lane, and no final rose ceremony. Makes all the sense in the world why we’re only looking at 10 episodes this season. Still waiting on official word from ABC, but it looks like that’s where we’re headed as predicted.

Get your “Reader Emails” and “Dr. Reality Steve” emails in for the week. A little low on both of them right now, and I’m sure you have some thoughts on last night’s reveal. Not to mention, I fully expect some people to disagree with my take on how the Caelynn stuff was handled last night, which you’ll see on page 4. I have no problem with her story and her telling it. I’m glad she did. I’m just a little put off by the hype the show put around it and how Colton’s virginity somehow played a role in it.

Tonight don’t forget episode #3 of “Temptation Island” airing on the USA Network at 10/9 Central. Couples go on their second dates this week and things start to heat up. Nell Kalter will have her episode 3 recap up tomorrow along with an exclusive clip from episode #4, and as always, I will have Kaci Campbell on my podcast Thursday at the end. As for this week’s regular podcast guest, this is going to be a story you don’t want to miss and I’m glad they’re telling it. More on that later. A quick clip from tonight’s episode as Wynn and Kady ride horses on their date and Wynn’s horse, ummmm, is excited?

One thing I wanted to point out because I thought it was one of her better ones yet, is Sharleen’s episode 3 recap. For those who truly don’t understand who editing can make anyone look any way they want, click on that link and read how badly they edited episode 3. And almost all of it was editing that made Hannah B. look bad. Just always something to keep an eye on.

As you saw last night, the Caelynn/Hannah B. feud seemingly has been put to bed and these two looks like they’re gonna move on from it. It was a big discussion all week, and as I told you on the podcast last Thursday, it’s the tabloids job now to fuel the fire of what caused this riff. Vulture had this piece that came out over the weekend which seemingly pits Caelynn as the villain. As I’ve told you from the very beginning when I first found out back in October they didn’t like each other and weren’t friends anymore after being roommates at Miss USA, I’ve heard stuff coming from both sides. Have I heard more negative about Caelynn than Hannah B.? Yes. And what is in this article is pretty much exactly what I heard. You might ask what makes this Austin Ryde guy credible (he who is quoted most in the column), and all I can say is when I was doing the digging back in October for info on this, his name came up a lot. He’s dialed in to the pageant scene. Knows a lot of the contestants, and in an ironic twist, his girlfriend just won Miss Utah USA. So he’s not just some random. And even props for attaching his name to his quotes, which basically we never see in stories like this.

So does there seem to be more sentiment behind the scenes for Hannah B. than what’s being shown on TV and on social media? Absolutely. Whether it’s true or not is an entirely different story. Austin, according to the story, is a 10 year friend of Caelynn and who just recently had a falling out with her. So could there be bad blood? Sure. Depending on who you talk to is going to determine who you want to believe. But lets not mistake one thing here after what we saw last night with Caelynn. Her story is tragic. Absolutely horrible she went through that and you don’t wish that upon anyone. But just because you feel bad for someone who went through that, doesn’t mean they aren’t capable of doing the things she’s being accused of. Kinda like with Colton. It’s great that Colton does charity work to help out kids with Cystic Fibrosis. I applaud him for that. But that doesn’t mean I don’t think he’s a complete phony when it comes to this show, his intentions, and half the sh** he’s uttered on TV. I’m able to separate the two. So whether you believe Caelynn or Hannah B., just don’t let what you heard last night sway your opinion. It shouldn’t. She suffered a horrible attack in college. No doubt. But that doesn’t mean she couldn’t have made Hannah’s time at Miss USA a not-so-positive experience like the claim being made.

Of course the other big story in Bachelor Nation over the weekend was the fact that it was publicly announced, by her own employer I might add, that Chris Harrison and Lauren Zima are dating. Lauren came on the podcast Nov. 8th and didn’t make mention of it, but I wouldn’t have expected her to. I certainly can see how something like this came to be. Lauren is a super fan of the show and has interviewed Chris on tons of occasions. Not at all surprising people in TV date each other. The only thing I found interesting about this is Lauren’s husband filed for divorce 4 days (1/23/19) before this announcement was made, as I viewed records online. Now obviously Lauren and Chris have been seeing each other for more than 4 days, and Lauren has been separated from her husband for quite a few months now, I’m just saying I’m guessing the timing of the announcement finally being made official coming 4 days after her husband filed I don’t think is coincidental at all. I also don’t think it’s coincidental in the least bit that Lauren hasn’t returned a text of mine since December. I guess I have my answer why now.



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