Reality Steve



  • Temptation Island

    “Temptation Island” – Nell Kalter’s Episode 10 Recap

    Photo Credit: USA Network

    We’re going back to basics, people. Temptation Island has just experienced its own mini version of The Purge and now only a few people remain: the original couples; the well-meaning host who guides the group through their bouts of scorching pain and then giggles as he collects his paycheck; and enough of a skeleton crew left behind to mic and film the participants so that every tear sliding down a cheek and every uneven heartbeat will be recorded for posterity. The Tempters were sent packing. My guess is Morgan is home trying on wedding dresses and swearing to her family that the guy she’s fully committed to is for real and not just dealing with either Rebound Syndrome or a psychotic break and he is … Continue reading

  • The Bachelorette 15 - Hannah

    “Bachelorette” Filming Begins, ABC Releases All Their Guys, Except Some Don’t Make It

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Remember the scene in “The Hangover” when Phil (Bradley Cooper) is leaving school on a Friday and a student of his asks him a question as he’s about to jump into the car and head to Vegas for the weekend for Doug’s bachelor party? Remember what he said to the kid? It was, “It’s the weekend Budnick. I don’t know you. You do not exist.” Yeah, that’s basically me today. Knowing I leave tomorrow morning to Vegas for my favorite trip of the year, basically I don’t want to hear from anyone. Ok, kidding. Maybe a few people. But yeah, that’s my mentality. My mind is already at the sportsbook as I’ve been crunching numbers since Sunday night and studying like I’m a senior in … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #121 – Interview with Sharleen Joynt


    Sharleen is the best. There’s really no other way to put it. One of the most, if not THE most, articulate, insightful, and downright enjoyable people to listen to in this franchise. Love talking with her and I think you’ll enjoy podcast #121 today. Granted, since we haven’t talked to Sharleen all season, but she covers the show extensively on three different platforms, we didn’t go over the whole season. Tried to keep it to what we saw the last two weeks. Sharleen no doubt has some thoughts on what went down, what mistakes Colton made, where she sees the two of them now, and a whole bunch of other stuff. Seriously my favorite conversation of the season. Sharleen never disappoints. And of course, Kaci … Continue reading

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