Reality Steve



  • Temptation Island

    “Temptation Island” – Nell Kalter’s Finale Recap


    Don’t be jealous, but I’m sort of a scholar when it comes to slasher movies. I have read every single academic text written about the hemoglobin-spattered dirty subgenre of horror – there are far more than you’d think! – so I am quite well versed in the narrative and stylistic iconography particular to a collection of movies that all seem to end with a body count. I know slashers are set in isolated locations and that those locations are populated by a gaggle of nubile young adults who are ready and willing to sit on some faces. I know the viewer is meant to feel exactly nothing when most of the characters suddenly disappear because we haven’t invested in any of them in the slightest. … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #122 – Interview with the “Again With This” Podcast Co-Hosts, Tara Ariano & Sarah D. Bunting


    Fun times this week. You know what a 90210 nerd I am. So what better people to have on than two of the best podcasters out there who cover the show extensively, and that’s Tara Ariano & Sarah D. Bunting of the “Again With This” podcast. If you’ve never heard of it, you’re missing out. Give it a listen. They cover EVERY episode ever of “Beverly Hills 90210” with audio clips and their commentary included throughout. Very funny stuff. When I was on my 90210 binge during December, there were definitely a few episodes that I watched, where immediately afterwards, I’d pull up their podcast to see what they had to say. Yes, I recorded a podcast with them back in January that I accidentally … Continue reading

  • Temptation Island

    “Temptation Island” – Nell Kalter’s Episode 10 Recap

    Photo Credit: USA Network

    We’re going back to basics, people. Temptation Island has just experienced its own mini version of The Purge and now only a few people remain: the original couples; the well-meaning host who guides the group through their bouts of scorching pain and then giggles as he collects his paycheck; and enough of a skeleton crew left behind to mic and film the participants so that every tear sliding down a cheek and every uneven heartbeat will be recorded for posterity. The Tempters were sent packing. My guess is Morgan is home trying on wedding dresses and swearing to her family that the guy she’s fully committed to is for real and not just dealing with either Rebound Syndrome or a psychotic break and he is … Continue reading

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