Reality Steve

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  • Podcasts

    Podcast #109 – Colton’s Episode-by-Episode Spoilers

    Photo Credit: ABC

    It’s finally here. What you’ve all been asking for since I released the ending to Colton’s season, and that’s your episode-by-episode spoilers. When I recorded this last night, I had my notes in front of me and did some things that I remember being told off the top of my head, but I also wanted to cover some topics in Bachelor Nation first that I’ve gotten asked about the most in the last couple months. The podcast begins with that since I’m aware I haven’t written much at all this offseason. That’ll change once Jan. 7th rolls around and I basically have almost 9 straight months of writing three times a week and six podcasts a month. But you’ve had emails and questions regarding things … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #106 – Interview with Reality TV Casting Director Shannon McCarty


    I’ve always been interested in how the sausage is made so to speak, so I decided to interview a reality TV casting director this week for podcast #106, Shannon McCarty. She’s cast for such shows as the “Real World,” “Are You the One?,” and “Biggest Loser” to name a few. She’s been in the industry since 2002 and resume runs pretty deep. I get emailed a lot by people asking me “What are they looking for when they cast people?” Now Shannon has never cast for the “Bachelor” franchise, but if you listen to the interview, I don’t think what she says is probably much different than what any casting person is looking for. Really interesting look behind-the-scenes on what goes into casting, how it’s … Continue reading

  • Bachelor Colton Spoilers

    (SPOILER): How Does Colton’s Season End?

    Photo Credit: ABC

    The day you’ve been waiting for. How do I know this? Oh I don’t know, the incessant, impatient, and sometimes nasty emails and/or Twitter replies sent my way over the last week or so. At no point have I ever teased something and never given it to you. Ever. Just because you’re not getting it on YOUR time doesn’t mean you’re not getting it. I post when I post and when it fits my schedule. Obviously I wanted to get as much as I could to deliver to you today, but because this is a liiiiiiitle bit different than what we’ve seen in the past, there are definitely some details that I don’t have. Maybe I’ll hear more details over the next 3 months to … Continue reading

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