Reality Steve



  • The Bachelorette 15 - Hannah

    The “Bachelorette” Hannah – Episode 8 Recap, (EXCLUSIVE) BIP Engagements, “Men Tell All” Films This Week, and Jed Speaks Out Finally. Sort Of.

    Photo Credit: ABC

    One of the best parts of my job that I’ve talked about over the years has been the perks that come with it. I’m not necessarily a “product guy.” The perks I’ve always spoke about have been just being able to be my own boss, not answering to anyone, having the ability to come and go as I please, etc. That’s what I love about what I do. But every once in a while, a company will reach out to me and send me some free stuff. All the products you hear me talk about in the ads on my podcast I’ve been sent a sample of beforehand. So that’s been cool. But someone came to me last week completely out of the blue. And … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #137 – Interview with Olivia Caridi


    Happy 4th of July everyone wherever you may be (that’s my Vin Scully intro). Since Olivia Caridi is one of my favorite people to talk to and it’s been 7 months since I had her on, figured it was time to bring her back. WARNING: there are spoilers talked about in this episode just to let you know. Also I change the Final 10 up this week as I answer all the questions I ask Olivia myself after she answers them. Plus, they are all questions I’ve never asked anyone before. Since I’ve had Olivia on now 4 times and we’ve developed a friendship outside of the podcasts, I feel I can talk to her about anything, so, there’s definitely some sex talk this episode. … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    Biggest “Reader Emails” of the Season

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Normally on a regular week of “Reader Emails,” I get usually anywhere from 25-35 emails. This week we’re basically double that as I believe we’re close to 60 this week. And that’s with me deleting quite a few because they were repetitive questions. As the season ramps up, and obviously with the amount of information and tea that’s been spilled the last couple weeks on the site, it’s only natural that the interest and questions begin to spike. I know I say this every season, but anyone who judges whether or not they’re going to watch immediately after finding out who the lead is is just mind boggling to me. You have no idea what’s going to happen on any given season. This season couldn’t … Continue reading

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