Reality Steve



  • Dr. Reality Steve

    Podcast #93 – Interview with Kat Hurd, Next “Bachelor,” & Dr. Reality Steve


    Another blast from the past this week as we dip back into Juan Pablo’s season for a great conversation with Kat Hurd. Kat’s someone I always knew I wanted to get on the podcast at some point and figured now would be a good time to do it. A lot of good stories she tells from her season including being courted by the show to come on (with a phone call and flowers from Fleiss himself), to her spats with Nikki, to her bizarre 1-on-1 with Juan Pablo. A lot of good stuff in there. And as I mentioned on Tuesday, I really appreciate Kat opening up about the struggles she had with bulimia over the years. A really important topic that I’m sure wasn’t … Continue reading

  • Are You the One?

    “Are You the One?” – Nell Kalter’s Episode 4 Recap

    Photo Credit: MTV

    I realize, of course, that very few people are drawn to Are You the One? because of the mathematical strategies that must be employed for twenty-two people to have a shot at splitting a million dollars, but for those who are interested, the statistics at this point are as follows:

    • 3 beams of light were nabbed in 2 consecutive ceremonies.

    • 0 matches were made from 2 sojourns into the Truth Booth.

    • 1 guy received head from Kenya during a luau.

    • 1 girl named Lauren has received approximately 36 seconds of screen time.

    • 7 blowups have gone down courtesy of Bria and 4 of them required she be physically restrained.

    • And the number of women still convinced something real and … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” BIP Reunion Finale “Spoilers,” & Leo Being Leo Again

    Photo Credit: ABC

    You know how Wednesday’s I usually do a mini recap of last night’s episode then get into “Reader Emails?” Yeah, not today. Mostly because I only saw the first hour and fifteen minutes before my fantasy draft started. It didn’t end til well past 11:00 my time and I didn’t have any interest in going back to watch what happened the rest of the episode at midnight only to shake my head at it even more. At this point, lets just get us to the finale since there’s really very little to talk about anymore. Even the reunion finale that taped yesterday really had no major drama in it. The couples that I told you were engaged over a month ago are still engaged (Chris/Krystal, … Continue reading

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