Reality Steve



  • Bachelor in Paradise 5

    “Bachelor in Paradise” – Episode 6 Recap, BIP Reunion Finale Tapes Today, & Chris Harrison Talks About Me & The Spoilers

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Do you know what this week is? Yes, it’s the start of college football season. Well technically it started last weekend with Colo St/Hawaii and Wyoming/New Mex St., but I’m talking about the REAL start of the season. First full slate of Saturday games coming up and this guy couldn’t be more excited. I think you’re all aware by now my love for college football and what not, and this season is no different. Let the weekly studying, dissecting, and podcast listening begin as it will basically keep me busy until the end of the calendar year. So many good games this weekend and frankly, I don’t plan on missing any. Granted, this will also be Luka’s first time watching with me so lets see … Continue reading

  • Floribama Shore

    “Floribama Shore” – Nell Kalter’s Episode 8 Recap

    Photo Credit: MTV

    A few of the men I’ve dated have had some flaws. One had severe commitment issues. One’s favorite hobby was telling me complicated lies. One thought it would be totally normal if we eventually had separate bedrooms. And one was a clinical narcissist who should really be studied by a team of very brave experts who do not scare easy. But not one of them ever grabbed a phone out of my hands when a male friend called and blubbered, “Who is this?” in a manner that required both subtitles and a straightjacket.

    Listen: I get that they’re young and navigating life as best as they can, but I have no earthly idea what either Candace and Kortni are doing by continuing to entertain relationships … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #92 – Interview with Bri Amaranthus


    Another fun podcast for you this week as I talk to one of Arie’s girls, and one of the Rose Girls, Bri Amaranthus. If you’re unfamiliar with her and the name doesn’t ring a bell, it’s because she went home on the first night. And she didn’t do Paradise. But she definitely has an interesting story, and one that certainly appeals to me since she’s in the world of sports broadcasting. Although only lasting one night, we talk a lot about everything that led up to her being cast, including what producers were telling her during the casting process even though she was first contacted pretty late. Here’s a hint: they lied their asses off. I know, real shocker. We also get into why she … Continue reading

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