Reality Steve



  • Podcasts

    Podcast #52 – Interview with Olivia Caridi from the Addison Improv


    As I’m sure you know by now, this week’s podcast was a little different as we recorded it live this past Tuesday night at the Addison Improv here in Dallas and our special guest was Olivia Caridi. She of “Bachelor” fame and now with the very popular “Mouthing Off” podcast. Again thank you to everyone who came out this past Tuesday night, I hope you all enjoyed it. I think this is something that we can do a few times a year as I will try to make my way to different cities in the United States. It’ll all depend on scheduling and what guest I can get to come out in those cities. Because, you know, there are some people who might be a … Continue reading

  • The Bachelor 22 - Arie

    Live Podcast Taping with Olivia Caridi Tonight in Dallas, Winter Games Talk, & “Bachelor” Final Rose Ceremony Approaching


    We’re almost at the finish line. Hasn’t been much to update since nothing has gotten out publicly since they’ve gone to Peru for overnights and final rose ceremony, although I saw randomly on Facebook yesterday someone vacationing in Peru right now posted a pic with Chris Harrison as he was walking around in Cusco. So they’re definitely still there. The final rose ceremony is either tomorrow or Thursday. Per usual, the final couple gets an extra few days at the location before heading home. You can dissect who turns on their social media first if you’d like, but considering how many of the women this season have been home for weeks even a month and haven’t even accessed their social media, I’m not really sure … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #51 – Interview with Sadie Murray


    As for today’s podcast guest, this one is a doozy. Two weeks ago we spoke to Prince Lorenzo, and today we get the girl he dumped at the altar (but later dated), Sadie Murray. Sadie is loaded with stories from her season, and has had quite the interesting post-show dating life. Talk about six degrees of separation. A very fun almost-2 hour conversation that I’m sure you’ll enjoy. Sadie is high energy, funny, and has stories for days. I thoroughly enjoyed talking to her. So much so that the Final 10 lasted over 45 minutes because we ended up going off on so many tangents. One thing to mention, when we get to the “gaslighting” question, I realized after we recorded that it was something … Continue reading

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