Reality Steve



  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails” & Happy 4th of July

    Photo Credit: ABC

    I know there’s really nothing we can do about the calendar, and every year certain holidays are gonna fall on different days, but isn’t the 4th of July falling on a Wednesday the worst possible f***ing day for it to fall on? Like, if it’s a Monday, you basically can get a 3 day wknd. If it’s a Tuesday, meh. Thursday, I would guess most people would take Friday off as well and make it a 4 day wknd. But Wednesday? All day yesterday was running around doing pre-fireworks stuff and as I sit down to watch fireworks (which by the way got cancelled because it got too windy here last night), I felt like it was a Friday. Then I realized it was Tuesday. … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    The “Bachelorette” Becca – Episode 6 Recap, “He Said, She Said” Episode 1 with Ashley Spivey, & Chris Has an Apology

    Photo Credit: ABC

    So first off, just want to say Happy Birthday to my niece Olivia who turns 14 today, which is crazy to think. Seems like just yesterday she was showing up on my Video blogs with her brother talking about how “Wizards of Waverly Place” was her favorite show. She doesn’t read this so I feel I can share her birthday present publicly. Got her tickets to the Taylor Swift concert here in Dallas in October. She’s going to be so excited. I mean, I guess I’ll have to tag along with her since no one else in the family will want to go. Oh well. Twist my arm why don’t you. Ok fine. So it’s a present both of us can enjoy together. We celebrated … Continue reading

  • Ex on the Beach

    “Ex on the Beach” – Nell Kalter’s Finale Recap

    Photo Credit: MTV

    And so we arrive at the final episode of Ex On the Beach. Three years ago or so, I would’ve claimed this program was the newest sign signaling the imminence of the End of Days, but since the world we’re existing in right now is so terrifyingly sh*tty, this show has somehow morphed, almost magically, into escapism. Allow me to be very clear here: I’m not saying this show is comforting escapism the way a quality program like The Good Place transports me all too briefly to My Happy Place. (Also: watch that show.) Ex On the Beach really only serves to remind us that a large segment of the population believes any sort of exposure is good exposure. The cast and their actions promote … Continue reading

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