Reality Steve



  • Bachelorette Becca Spoilers

    “Bachelorette” Filming Recap from the Last Week, Spoilers, & the Tia/Colton Drama

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Quite a weekend to say the least. When you last heard from me Thursday, I was headed out of town and basically wasn’t going to report anything until today. But when I saw that all of the dates in Virginia over the weekend were going to get spoiled publicly, and you’d have so many questions after seeing who’s left of who got eliminated when, I figured you couldn’t wait six days to get all the updates. So if you were following along on Twitter since last Thursday, you’ve gotten pretty much everything up to this point. Almost every elimination, date, storylines, etc. But if you didn’t follow on Twitter, I’ll put it all in here for you today with some pictures, videos, and some info … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #72 – Interview with Mikey Tenerelli


    Another trip down memory lane this week for podcast #72 as I’m joined by Mikey Tenerelli from Desiree’s season of the “Bachelorette” and “Bachelor in Paradise 2,” although he was supposed to be on the first season of Paradise and we discuss what happened. I realized the only person I’ve interviewed from Desiree’s season was Desiree herself, so I figured why not start getting some of the guys to talk about her season. I’m sure we’ll hear some more in the future. It’s interesting to hear different perspectives from those that were there, and Mikey pretty much confirmed what a lot of us watching that season thought, which was that Des and Chris’ relationship was pretty much hidden from the public. We also discuss one … Continue reading

  • Bachelorette Becca Spoilers

    “Bachelorette” Filming Update, Someone’s Birthday Today, & the Bracket Challenge Winner Killed All of Us


    Gotta give props where they’re due. With the NCAA Tournament now over, we have a winner to this year’s Reality Steve Bracket Challenge. With close to 1,000 total entries, Kara Murphy is this year’s winner. What’s most impressive? She had already won regardless of who won last night. She filled out 5 brackets, as a lot of you did, and one of her brackets had Michigan winning it all and one had Villanova. But her Michigan bracket one had more points than anyone else until Villanova won. So even after the Villanova win, Kara still got 1st and 2nd place, even though I didn’t pay out for 2nd place. This was winner take all so congratulations to Kara. I don’t want to say the rest … Continue reading

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