Reality Steve



  • Floribama Shore

    “Floribama Shore” – Nell Kalter’s Episode 4 Recap

    Photo Credit: MTV

    So it appears the most pressing issues are as follows:

    Nilsa wants Gus, but he’s yet to fully give in to her advances. He’s also in the midst of a full-blown spiritual crisis that could cause his hair to finally go limp.

    Candace is choosing to date a walking hyphenated felon. She also cannot forgive Gus for refusing to swear to a police officer (who has a gun) that Kirk did nothing wrong — even after everyone, including Kirk, admitted he did something wrong.

    Kortni refuses to stay sober for longer than fifteen minutes straight and enjoys pissing in corners.

    Aimee is mostly keeping it together, but a recent story on Page Six makes it clear her stability is temporary.

    Jeremiah can’t believe he shares … Continue reading

  • Dr. Reality Steve

    Podcast #88 – Interview with Holly Allen, the Ex-Girlfriend of Luke Pell, & “Dr. Reality Steve” Emails


    It’s interesting on how things can change over time. Never thought today’s podcast guest would ever be on the show if you were to rewind about 15 months, but here we are. And the ball kinda got rolling when I received the email a couple weeks ago that I’ve posted below. Holly Allen is the recent ex-girlfriend of Luke Pell, after they made their breakup announcement about a month ago after a little over a year of dating. Although, “dating” to Luke Pell he takes awfully loosely when it comes to him wanting to advance his career. Holly has a lot to tell and share, and we even talk about how she wasn’t a big fan of mine back when I wrote the Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” Jason Speaks Out on Possibly Being the “Bachelor,” & Podcast Guest for Tomorrow

    Photo Credit: ABC

    We’re getting down to the wire of things here on the “Bachelorette,” which means that I fully want to prepare you for the barrage of tabloid stories that are sure to come out. I don’t know what they’re going to say, but almost all will be fabricated stories that are designed to be click bait. I ask that you actually read the stories first, then go back and look at the title and say to yourself, “Did the story really follow through on what the title said?” 95% of them won’t. That’s just the way that business works. I think there already was one of Becca on the cover of one of the mags and the caption read “Dumped Again!” Well, she hasn’t been dumped … Continue reading

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