Reality Steve



  • Podcasts

    Podcast #66 – Interview with Sharleen Joynt & (EXCLUSIVE) on the “After the Final Rose”

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    It’s been almost a year since I had Sharleen Joynt on this podcast, so I figured it was time to bring her back. She last appeared after the finale of Nick’s season last year. You’ll be getting a double dose of Sharleen in the next week, as next Thursday will be episode #9 of the “He Said, She Said” podcast on Stitcher Premium where we take your calls on anything relationship related. If you still want to be a part of next week’s podcast, email me or Sharleen and, assuming schedules match, we can record next Tuesday night. Anyway, a fun interview with Sharleen since she is going unspoiled this season. I’ve done my best not to spoil her all season, although we did almost … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” & Winter Games Episode 3 Thoughts


    We are getting closer to the finale, and that’s when tabloid stories, rumors, innuendo, and all sorts of craziness starts up. For me, it happens every season so I don’t pay much attention to it. Go back to any February over the last 7 or 8 years (when the “Bachelor” started airing in the first Monday in January) and you’ll see this is right around the time where the coverage of the show starts to pick up. Knowing how this sh**show of a season ends up, it’ll only add to it this year. Speculation on the who/why/what of everything is flooding pop culture sites, and most of the info is wrong. Like this story making the rounds Lauren has been engaged twice before coming on … Continue reading

  • The Bachelor 22 - Arie

    The “Bachelor” Arie – Episode 8 Recap, Your Remaining “Winter Games” Spoilers & How the Engagement Came To Be


    Coming down the home stretch. Less than 2 weeks to go before the finale of all finales. As you know, the schedule is a tad different as the “Women Tell All” airs this Sunday night, with the Overnight dates airing next Monday. I posted your WTA spoilers on Thursday, so in case you missed those, you can click here to read them. Some good stuff regarding Krystal coming up on Sunday that you won’t want to miss. Basically everyone who made it past night 1 was on the show except for Valerie and Maquel, and they added two girls from night 1, Olivia and Jessica. Looks like a little more drama than past Tell All shows due to Hurricane Krystal and the … Continue reading

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