Reality Steve



  • The Bachelor 22 - Arie

    The “Bachelor” Arie – Episode 3 Recap, When is the Finale, & Enough with the Hate Speech

    Photo Credit: ABC

    A few of you emailed me last week informing me that on Ben Higgins’ podcast with Nick, he mentioned that the “Bachelor” was taking two weeks off while “Winter Games” ran the weeks of Feb. 13th and 20th. According to Robert Mills, and what I’ve been told, that is inaccurate. A few weeks ago I wrote in this column I was confused when the “Bachelor” finale is going to be since “American Idol” is doing a 2 night, 4 hour premiere March 11th and 12th. The 12th would’ve been the natural end date for the “Bachelor” finale, but now we know it’s not. I was able to get the answer for you. This season will run as normal with a new episode every Monday night. … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #60 – Interview with Ashley Spivey


    A very fun, and sometimes serious 90 minute conversation with Ashley Spivey this week. She’s someone to definitely follow on Twitter on Monday nights for some good humorous and insightful takes on the “Bachelor.” We had Ashley on last May in between Nick and Rachel’s season, so I wanted to bring her back on this season because she gives good insight to some of the things that maybe the average fan doesn’t she. She has some really interesting thoughts on Krystal, Bibiana, and Chelsea among others. We also spend a good 15 minutes diving into a Twitter beef she got into online with James Taylor recently which then spawned a discussion about the #MeToo movement which Ashley unfortunately is a part of. I really appreciate … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” Ratings, & Arie’s Blog

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Here’s Arie’s blog now up at where he talks about his dates with each girl along with the drama in the house. Then again, the lead never knows what’s really going on in the house or what the girls are saying in ITM’s because it’s not shown to them. He doesn’t see that til way after the fact, hence the reason he’s defending Krystal in his column. I think judging by his date with Krystal he knew he preferred Becca’s date over her and essentially is just trying not to make Krystal feel bad after the fact. We see this a lot of the time with the lead so I don’t think he’s doing anything out of the ordinary. But you … Continue reading

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