Reality Steve



  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails” & The Tabloids Already Starting in on Nick

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Well that didn’t take long. Even before Nick was “officially” announced on the DWTS cast this morning, already Radar is running stories about him being a diva on set. If someone could please remove all sharp objects from Nick’s presence right now, that’d be great. Who knows if the story is true or not. My guess is it isn’t since it can’t possibly be that bad already, but the fact that it’s out there, and it’s a negative story about him which feeds into the persona that’s been painted of the guy that he’s out for fame and his ego is getting bigger and bigger with every TV appearance he does – this will drive him up a wall. Hey, this is what … Continue reading

  • The Bachelor 21 - Nick

    The “Bachelor” Nick Overnight Dates Recap, Nick on DWTS, Your “Women Tell All” Spoilers, & What Happened in Bimini with Rachel and Vanessa?

    Photo Credit: US Weekly

    Before we get to all your “Bachelor” stuff today, can I just throw my two cents in on the Oscars fiasco? I watched it, I rewound it, I watched it again, and I’ve heard all the opinions people have on it and one thing I keep scratching my head about is this: Why is Warren Beatty getting blamed? What’d he do? If anything, he was the first one to recognize something was off as you see after he pulls the card out of the envelope realizes he’s looking at something that isn’t right (Emma Stone – Best Actress on the card), then he looks back into the envelope to see if there’s another one in there. I mean if you want to get on Warren … Continue reading

  • The Bachelor 21 - Nick

    What Happens on Tonight’s Episode & What’s Coming Tomorrow on the Site

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Heading into the home stretch of the season. Just to re-iterate once again in case you didn’t read last Tuesday’s column. Tonight is only a 1 hr episode. Next week is the second hour of the overnight dates, followed by a 2 hr “Women Tell All” that was taped this past Friday. I’ve gotten emails from some of you still confused on what’s going on. Normally, tonight would be a 2 hr overnight date episode, and next week would be the 2 hr “Women Tell All.” Just pretend like tonight is the regular overnight dates episode. But instead of it being two hours shown tonight, it’s first hour gets shown tonight, and the second hour gets shown next Monday. And instead of the WTA being … Continue reading

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