Reality Steve



  • Bachelorette Rachel Spoilers

    Update on Filming, a Few “Bachelor/ette” Notes, and “Daily Links”

    Photo Credit: ABC

    It’s been a few days, huh? Sorry about that. Was all set to post yesterday then got tied up and figured I could push it back a day. Not a whole hell of a lot of new stuff to report, but I can update you on a couple things. After having to push it back a couple weeks, I can now say officially AshLee Frazier will be Podcast #22’s guest coming tomorrow. Spoke to her yesterday for 90 minutes, and it was a really engaging conversation. She definitely told some stories I’d never heard before, we talked a lot about Sean’s season, briefly touched on BIP, addressed the Chris Harrison dating rumors from back in the day, and also dove into her childhood of being … Continue reading

  • Bachelorette Rachel Spoilers

    Update on Where Episode #7 is Filming, “Survivor” Recap, & More of Rachel’s Guys

    Photo Credit: ABC

    By early next week, Rachel will be back in the states for hometowns. What those hometowns will consist of is still up in the air. I posted the link of Robert Mills’ specifically saying “hometowns will be a little different this season” earlier in the week. I don’t know why Mills would say that if Rachel was gonna come back here and visit 4 different guys’ hometowns like they usually do. So something looks to be different, but I guess we’ll know more next week. After they left South Carolina, I told you they were headed to Norway, Denmark, and Sweden. When the terrorist bus attack happened in Sweden, I said I had no idea if that would change the schedule or not. I have … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #21 – Interview with James Taylor, Including All Your “Survivor” Links from Last Night’s “Game Changing” Episode


    One of my biggest goals when starting out to do the podcasts was to just show everyone a side of the contestants that maybe they didn’t see on the show. You get an edited version of a television show, and plenty of people automatically assume that’s who these people are. Since doing interviews starting in January, I’ve seen your responses and it looks like a lot of you are coming around on some of these people. All I want to do is present them to you in real, raw, candid conversations with no editing, and just let them be them. It’s up to you to decide what you think. James Taylor’s interview for podcast #21 today is no different. The guy has screwed up royally. … Continue reading

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