Reality Steve

Reader Emails

“Reader Emails,” Virginia Loves the “Bachelorette,” & a “Grease 2” Death

Photo Credit: ABC

Man, what a rough day on Monday. Did you see the tragic news of Tab Hunter’s death? Now maybe the name doesn’t immediately strike you, but any “Grease 2” fans out there should know him as Mr. Stuart, he being the originator of one of the greatest songs in cinematic history “Reproduction.” When I went down my rabbit hole of “Grease 2” a few months ago, I was fascinated to find how many people, like myself, love that movie. Like, there have been articles written about how much better it is than the original, even though it clearly got less fanfare. Hell, I think most people don’t even know there was a “Grease 2” that was released. I guess our subculture that are “Grease 2” diehards will always have each other to lean on during these tough times. I was pretty amazed though at the amount of love that movie gets in the “underworld” of the internet. I mean, you really gotta go look for it, but it’s there. I saw this one piece (and now I can’t remember where I saw it), that was like a dissertation on how “Grease 2” should be a movie all feminists should support, and how Stephanie Zinone (played by Michelle Pfeiffer), for that era, should’ve been a role model for women because she made the guy chase her, etc. I mean on and on and on it went. As silly as it seemed on the surface, I couldn’t believe what I was reading and by the end, I was fully convinced the Stephanie Zinone character could’ve led a Women’s Rights movement at some point.

Anyway, for those who have never seen it, and have always wondered, “How would teaching a class about plants ever have such a strong sexual undertone,” I give you “Reproduction”:

Juliet Litman’s “Bachelor Party” podcast was released yesterday and she had Robert Mills on, a frequent guest of hers. Quite a few interesting takes all around from both of them. They hit on the Lincoln stuff about 30 minutes in (along with Garrett), and his take is that he wishes fans would give ABC the heads up instead of, well without fully saying it, giving information about their contestants to me or other media outlets. It’s pretty funny. The other thing I found funny was their talk about the next “Bachelor,” and while Juliet discusses guys like Colton, Jason, and Blake, it’s not like Mills doesn’t ever step in and say, “Well what about Garrett?” I figured he’d at least keep Garrett an option for the unspoiled, but I guess even he’s given up trying to keep the worst kept secret going. Give a listen. Some good stuff this episode.

One thing they always talked about was the visit to Virginia, and I’m sure you’ve seen this article floating around in recent days that Virginia paid around $550,000 to bring the show to their state, which in turn is apparently worth $37 million in the long run to them. The original article is under a pay wall, and maybe they go in depth more about how that translates out, but geez. $37 million? I’d like to know how they figure basically a two hour commercial for the state can generate that much. Over what period of time? Seems like an over exaggeration. Obviously we know this show works on trade and having a whole episode dedicated to your city/state is certainly a bonus for their Tourism board, but that seems like an awful lot.

“Reader Emails” begins on Page 2…



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