Reality Steve



  • Dr. Reality Steve

    Podcast #6 with Special Guest Juliet Litman Along with “Dr. Reality Steve” Emails


    Again I want to start off by thanking everyone who’s been tuning in to the podcasts for the last month, as it’s gone better than I expected. The response has been great, seems like you guys really like them, and I can’t tell you how much more I enjoy doing these than the Thursday night video chats. Not to completely diss those, but lets be honest, they got a little long and drawn out with repetitive questions every week. These podcasts are much more controlled, and I think you’ll see in upcoming weeks as I have guests on, it’s much easier just to bounce stuff off people and talk about the episode than just take question after question after question. I still want to do … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails” Incl Bachelor Wines, The Twins Possibly Getting a Show, & Josh Speaks Out on the Breakup


    We had a mad rush of emails from last night into this morning, which was good because we were running really low as late as yesterday afternoon. Thanks for getting your emails in. Remember, “Dr. Reality Steve” tomorrow, and I’m extending to anyone who has a Dr. Reality Steve question if you want to be part of the podcast. I can record it today, we don’t have to use your real name if you don’t want for fear of someone knowing you and your story, or whatever. But I think doing one a week on the Thursday podcast would definitely be a good fit. Right now we have two “Dr. Reality Steve” emails for the column, so we need more of those. Hoping to get … Continue reading

  • The Bachelor 21 - Nick

    “Bachelor” Nick Episode 1 Recap Incl Podcast News, Bachelor Fantasy League, & More

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Back at it once again. It’s busy time. Yes, I’ll admit, I took a lot of time off in December and got lazy with the “Daily Links.” A lot of that had to do with the launch of the podcast since it took an awful lot of time to get set up. But I’ve been very happy with the results so far, as every episode has cracked the top 5 in iTunes “TV & Film” category on the day of release, so thank you to everyone who’s taken the time to listen. And if you’re just showing up here today for the first time since September, well, you have a lot of catching up to do. Speaking of that, A LOT of stuff to get … Continue reading

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