UPDATE: This posts final page was updated on June 18th with a new ending.Well, you’ve waited long enough (I know, a whole week), and here it finally is. Got the confirmation I needed and finally comfortable with posting all your spoilers today. For those that have been following my site and Twitter during filming, a lot of this won’t be new to you. You pretty much knew all throughout filming how many guys were in each location, who got the dates, & what most of the dates were. But there are a few early season dates and storylines I haven’t posted until today. Those just arriving and reading this stuff for the first time since March, well, I hope you enjoy it. And yay, the “Who won Steve?” “When are we gonna know?” and “Why don’t you know yet?” tweets and emails will finally come to a stop. When it comes to the the ending, obviously I would like to be sure it’s right before just randomly spouting off what I’m hearing. There was this notion going around she picked no one and that she’s single, but I never had any reason to believe that. Pure speculation that was being based on nothing other than watching her interviews on her media tour and you can’t base anything off those because anyone can draw any conclusion they want from listening to any answer she gives. Sounds generic, but it’s true. I try and find out what happened in Greece on the final rose ceremony day, because that can’t change. Well, unless you’re Arie. Interviews, body language post-show, demeanor, etc doesn’t mean anything because she’s coached to give the answers she does. What happened in Greece on May 10th cannot be changed.
So lets get started with your episode-by-episode spoilers. I put the dates of airing next to each episode because we know July 23rd is her finale. BIP starts July 30th. So 11 weeks from May 13th is July 23rd. Although if the NBA Finals has a Monday night game, they’ll have to double up at some point. If they do, I’ll change the air dates then. NBA hasn’t released their Finals schedule yet. I included week 1 because, well, these were posted before last week’s episode aired. Here you go…
Episode 1: (airing May 13th) Los Angeles, CA (30 down to 22)
(MINI SPOILER): Chris Harrison is officially announcing Hannah’s guys on FB today. They released 33 guys on FB before the season started. There are 30 guys to start this season. Joe Romeo, Matt Dione, & Ben Granger were the 3 guys who didn’t end up making the show from that list.
— RealitySteve (@RealitySteve) May 7, 2019
(SPOILER): Said I had 7 of the 8 guys eliminated on night 1 today in the column. Got the last one. Here are your 8 that were eliminated: Brian Bowles, Chasen Coscia, Hunter Jones, Joe Barsano, Matt Donald, Ryan Spirko, Scott Anderson, & Thomas Staton.
— RealitySteve (@RealitySteve) May 7, 2019
Rose Ceremony Eliminations: Brian Bowles, Chasen Coscia, Hunter Jones, Joe Barsano, Matt Donald, Ryan Spirko, and Thomas Staton. Scott Anderson was sent home during the cocktail party because of the girlfriend he had just broken up with 5 days earlier.
Episode 2: (airing May 20th) Los Angeles, CA (22 to 19)
Group Date: The “Mr. Right” Beauty Pageant. 8 guys on the date: John Paul Jones, Luke S., Mike, Jonathan, Dylan, Jed, Luke P, & Grant. I’m sure you’ve seen in the promo by now but Luke P. tells her he’s falling in love with her and kisses her at the judges table. Jed got the rose.
1-on-1: Tyler Gwozdz. They took a helicopter out somewhere and went riding ATV’s. Tyler got the rose.
Group Date: Roller Derby. 10 guys on the date: Daron, Tyler C., Dustin, Garrett, Kevin, Joey, Devin, Peter, Matteo, and Connor J. Dustin gets injured on this date, but, Dustin ends up getting the group date rose.
At the after party of this date, Cam shows up because he wasn’t on a date this week, and the other guys aren’t happy about it. Can’t remember a time where they let someone who didn’t have a date come crash one, especially in the second episode of the season. It’s known that there are always people who don’t have dates in episodes 2 & 3, so I guess they needed someone to stir the pot.
Guys without dates this week: Connor S., Cam, & Matthew.
Rose Ceremony Eliminations: Matthew Spraggins, Connor Jenkins, and Daron Blaylock.
Episode 3: (airing May 27th) Los Angeles, CA (19 to 15)
Group Date: They did a photo shoot with animals. Not sure exactly who all was on this date, but definitely Devin, Garrett, Grant, Dylan, and Peter. There were others. Either 6 or 8 on this date. If it was 6, then 3 guys didn’t have dates that week. If it was 8, then only one didn’t. Garrett got the rose.
While the guys were out on this date, production came to the mansion and removed Tyler G. from the show. They had been given some information about his past relationships and told him it wouldn’t be good for him to remain on the show and he needed to leave immediately. If you search hard enough on the internet, you can find out what was said. I don’t believe any of the women have come forward publicly with their names attached to it yet that I’ve seen, so while we don’t know if there’s receipts and proof of anything, the accusations were disturbing to say the least and production and legal for ABC thought it was serious enough to remove him from the show. Don’t wanna make it worse for the guy than it already is, so I won’t repeat what the accusations were. But they’re out there if you look.
1-on-1: Connor Saeli. Hannah was actually sick for their date, so Connor just visited her at her place before coming back to the mansion. Then Hannah ended up getting a second wind and they had a concert date that night with someone that I’m not sure of. The ABC press release says that Lukas Graham performed this season. But they’re a Danish band, so I guess it could’ve been for this date, but more than likely, Lukas Graham performed in the Netherlands on one of those dates. Connor got the rose.
Group Date: 8 guys on the date: John Paul Jones, Kevin, Jonathan, Jed, Matteo, Cam, Tyler, and Mike. It was a class on the female anatomy, breast feeding, diaper changing, labor pains, etc that Jason Biggs and his wife Jenny Mollen were a part of. Mike got the rose.
The day of the rose ceremony there wasn’t a nighttime cocktail party. They had a tailgate party during the day instead. During this party, some guys told Hannah that they felt Cam had shared the story about his health to get a pity rose. For those that don’t know, this was Cam’s story he told a while ago on his IG:
Whatever was told to her by the guys, she seemingly believed them over Cam because she sends Cam home during this tailgate party.
Rose Ceremony Eliminations: Jonathan Saunders and Joey Jones. Tyler Gowzdz was kicked off the show earlier in the episode by production. Hannah sent Cam home the day of the rose ceremony.