Reality Steve

The Bachelor 23 – Colton

  • The Bachelor 23 - Colton

    The “Bachelor” Colton – Episode 6 Recap, An Additional Spoiler, & That Tricky Season Ending Preview

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Oooohhhhh boy. When I saw what they showed last night in the previews for the rest of the season, I knew the bombarding of tweets and emails was coming. All I can say is what I reported is true. There could be a number of things that the clip of Colton standing with a ring could be. I’m here to tell you that seeing that doesn’t change anything of what I reported. We know how this show works. We know how they love to tease the hell out of things to make you think one thing when it isn’t that thing. I’m not worried about what was shown last night. So everyone can take a deep breath now regarding the extended preview for the remainder … Continue reading

  • The Bachelor 23 - Colton

    The “Bachelor” Colton – Episode 5 Recap, Cassie’s “Other” Show & Her Confusing 1-on-1 Date

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Yay Super Bowl! Or not. Man, what a letdown. Obviously not if you’re a Patriots fan, but since I’m a guy that has no rooting interest in any NFL team, yet I watch it every weekend, when it comes to the Super Bowl I’m looking for a compelling game. And frankly, it failed on every level Sunday. 14 punts, 16 total points (the lowest in SB history), one play run in the red zone all game (ONE!!!), and 6 total plays over 20 yards. Did you know that last years Super Bowl had 5 TOUCHDOWN plays over 20 yards? Yeah, for all the purists out there that are sick of offensive football and wanna see some defense played, congrats, you got your wish. But don’t … Continue reading

  • The Bachelor 23 - Colton

    The “Bachelor” Colton – Episode 4 Recap, More Caelynn/Hannah B., & Chris Harrison Has a New Girlfriend

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Do you realize that after next week, we’ll be at the halfway point of Colton’s season? How great is that? It just started, and yet, it’s almost over. Nothing has been made official by ABC yet, but knowing when WTA is filming, and it not looking like we’re gonna get back-to-back episodes at any point, AND the WTA will air in its own week, things are pointing in the direction of being a 10 episode season, which is one less than every other season for the last 8 years or so. And that fits exactly into the spoilers as to why. There’s so much less footage at the end that this season doesn’t have compared to other seasons. I brought it up in the episode-by-episode … Continue reading

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