Oooohhhhh boy. When I saw what they showed last night in the previews for the rest of the season, I knew the bombarding of tweets and emails was coming. All I can say is what I reported is true. There could be a number of things that the clip of Colton standing with a ring could be. I’m here to tell you that seeing that doesn’t change anything of what I reported. We know how this show works. We know how they love to tease the hell out of things to make you think one thing when it isn’t that thing. I’m not worried about what was shown last night. So everyone can take a deep breath now regarding the extended preview for the remainder of the season. Nothing that I saw changed anything. And they really blew it with the Colton-holding-a-ring-box sequence which I’ll show you on page 2. But hey, Colton loves hyping up his season on Twitter so I’m sure he enjoyed the hell out of it. I’m sure you saw my tweets yesterday in response to what he was tweeting about. If he wants to tease his audience with stuff that may or may not happen, I will gladly step in and lay out the facts. That’s what people want anyway.
Yesterday, he teased that the fence jump was possibly happening in last night’s episode. Which, in and of itself, is a perfectly normal thing to tease since it’s the one clip most people are talking about this season. HOWEVER, if you’ve done an interview this season where you already admitted that the fence jump happens during the overnight dates (which you can read right here), that pretty much tells me he’s treating his own fans as idiots. If he’d never said that in an interview, then of course he can tease it all he wants. Hell, tease it every week if you think that’ll get people to tune in. But we all know when it happens because YOU TOLD US, you putz. So stupid, and that’s why he needed to be corrected.
Don’t forget to send in your “Reader Emails” and “Dr. Reality Steve” emails for this week’s columns. We haven’t done “Dr. Reality Steve” in a couple weeks because I’ve had one email. If I get em’, I’ll post them. But I need to get them first, so send them in and I’ll guarantee they go in this week. “Reader Emails” looks good so far, but you can send in whatever you want so we can have more this week.
One thing mentioned in “Reader Emails” last week that may have gone unnoticed is that those who’ve asked about casting, final casting weekend for “Bachelorette” has already happened. Guys have already been to LA and done their testing. Already have a few who I’m pretty sure are going to get cast. I also know at least one location they’re going to next season within the US. That stuff will be revealed as we get closer to “Bachelorette” filming which is a little over a month away. Of course, there will always be a few cast members that get pushed through last minute and weren’t part of final casting weekend, but they are the exception not the rule. They pretty much know already who their guys are going to be and none of those guys know who the “Bachelorette” is yet. That’s how it works. I’m guessing we’ll find out on the ATFR like we do every season, and if they keep up with their trend from the past two seasons, we’ll meet five of her guys live on that show.
A former contestant and friend of mine Melissa Schreiber contacted me recently because she wanted to share her story. She was on Brad Womack’s second season, then “Bachelor Pad” season 2. Melissa suffers from severe anxiety and decided to share what she’s been through on her blog she started here. Take the time to read it. I’ve never suffered from anything like that, and I’ve heard about anxiety before, but never realized how bad it could get. I’m sure there are some of you out there that can probably relate to Melissa’s story, so please, take the time to read to see what she’s suffered through pretty much her whole life. Thanks to Melissa for opening up and sharing this with everyone because I’m guessing that wasn’t easy.
Actress Kelly Johns reached out to me to share her impressions of Colton’s women, and I gotta say, pretty damn good. She posts her new updates on Twitter and Instagram every Wednesday, but here was her latest one after last week’s episode. I’d say the Demi and Elyse impressions were nails:
Don’t forget “Temptation Island” episode 5 is on tonight at 10/9 on USA. If you thought Evan’s make out with Morgan last week was enough to bring the waterworks for Kaci, just wait til tonight. This week will be a verrrrrry interesting conversation with Kaci for sure. What a great guest to have this season from TI since this is basically the Evan show every episode, and we’re all just in awe of his actions. Just wait for tonight. Here’s a clip of tonight’s episode where Katheryn finally gets her “date” with John she’s wanted all season:
An update to one of the spoilers along with talking about that season ending preview is on Page 2…